A Dance of Love

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Etho's Perspective-

    "No, I'm not going." I said, standing my ground.

Xoni sighed, "Etho, I need you to do- "

"Why? I'm not even a prince!"

"Don't you think people would be more convinced that you're a prince if you go?"

"I don't care, I'm not going."

"Etho, it's just one- "

"Just one day! I know! But do you have any idea how long it could take me to regrow my hair?"

"Fine! Keep it that way and see what people say! Just at least wear the suit."

I sighed, "Fine."


I arrived at the ball with all the other emperors, and I sighed.

"Come on, smile more! This is going to be fun!" Sausage said.

"Not really, we just watch two people dance."

"But it's a dance of love! They're going to get married!"

"Wait, what?"

"That's what the invitation said! That Joel and Lizzie are going to get married next year."

I looked down and felt a wave of sadness hit me.

"Are you okay?" Sausage asked.

"Hm? Oh, yeah. Just gonna be bored." I lied, shrugging.

Sausage narrowed his eyes, but I walked ahead so we couldn't talk anymore.

I sat down next to Pix and Katherine, and watched as Joel's father gave a speech.

I didn't pay much attention until Joel stood up.

He was supposed to walk over to Lizzie and ask her to dance, so I was confused as to why he was walking over to me.

Joel smiled nervously and held out his hand for me to take.

"Would you care to dance?" He asked, his cheeks flushing red.

"U-umm...I'm sorry?" I was confused; mostly because Joel was asking me to dance with him, but also because my heart was racing.

Why do I feel so nervous?

"I- aren't you supposed to ask Lizzie?" I whispered.

"Come on, let's dance." Joel said, smiling.

"But I- "

"Just follow my lead." Joel held my hands and pulled me towards him.

Joel ignored how shocked his father was and once we were in the middle of the ballroom, he nodded towards the quartet, which started to play a waltz.

I flushed red as Joel held me close as we danced.

I can't believe how I got myself into this. I was rushed to a dance, a big fancy ball, and now I was dancing with Joel in front of everyone.

My face must've gone as red as a tomato.

Cod I wish I had my mask.

Joel's eyes were fixed on my face, and I noticed how he was smiling, never letting go of my hands.

Everyone was quiet as we danced, but I couldn't stop looking at his face.

I think my heart stopped as he looked at me, his eyes meeting mine.

Joel reached for my chin and tilted my face up towards his.

I knew what was coming and I felt my heart race.

Romance wasn't normally my thing, yet here I was. My face red, my heart racing, everything was different now.

Joel leaned in and softly pressed his lips onto mine.

His kiss was soft and gentle, and I closed my eyes, savoring the moment.

Lizzie and Joel's parents were whispering, and Joel's father walked over and pushed me away from Joel.

"Wha- hey!" Joel shouted, glaring at his father.

"Young man, what do you think you're doing?" Joel's father snapped.

"I was doing what I want to do!! I was following my heart." Joel said, causing me to blush.

"Why can't you actually think for once. Do you have any idea what harm you could've caused to our kingdom? And to dance with a boy of all people!"

"I did what I wanted to do, and I'm tired of you controlling my decisions. I'm tired of you controlling Maggie's decisions too. She wanted to wear a suit like me and yet you made her wear a ball gown. Why don't you think for once and see that your children aren't like you."

Joel stormed out and the other emperors stood up, slowly grabbing their children, and walking out one by one.

Xoni walked over to me and escorted me out.

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