Closer Than You'd Think

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Etho's Perspective-

"Etho, I know you've been a knight for most of your life and you like to choose your own path, but for once in your life I need you to listen to me." Xoni said, looking at Etho with a serious expression, "This war is nothing to play around in. I need you to listen and do as I say. If I tell you to stay in the castle, do so, if I tell you that you'll have to cut your hair and such for royal gatherings, do so. Understand?"

Etho grumbled but didn't say anything. He instead nodded.

Xoni sighed and nodded, patting Etho's back.

"Thank you. It's what your parents would've wanted. Think of this as a rough patch in an adventure."

He then left and Etho rolled his eyes.

"Think of this as an adventure." Etho repeated in a mockingly high voice.

He sighed and sat down on the bed in his room.


I don't know what my parents would want.

People always say that when they ask me to do something.

Whenever they tell me to make an important decision, they always end the conversation with 'it's what your parents would've wanted'.

Even I don't know what they would've wanted, so it's stupid to have you try and say 'I guess this is what they want'.

That's what you want me to do. They probably want me to forge my own path!

No one knows what they want because they're dead.

So stop trying to assume that you know what they want.


"Sir Slab, I have heard some terrible news and have come here to inform you about it." The king said, walking over to where Etho was standing at his post.

"What is it?" Etho asked, a bit nervous. He was a new knight and was worried that he was going to get told that he wasn't good enough.

"Your parents, they died in the carriage they were taking to go visit your father's brother in the far away empire The Mythlands."

Etho's face went pale, and he looked down.

The king reached to pat Etho's back, but he stepped away.

"I- umm...thank you, for telling me this." He muttered.

"Of course. You're a good guy, Etho, and I'm sorry this had to happen to you."


I was alone from then on.

One of the other guards trained me early on stuck by my side through everything.

Though he wasn't the best person to be with. He helped teach me that this was a lesson on how people are better alone.


Etho heard someone knock on the door and he looked up.

"What?" He asked and Sausage opened the door, an owl perched on his shoulder.

"Oh nice you made another friend. How many is that; two now?"

Sausage rolled his eyes, "I just thought you should see this." Sausage grabbed the letter from the owl and slid it on my desk.

I raised an eyebrow and read it.

"We're going to a what?!"

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