The World is A Mysterious Place

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Please listen to Animal Crossing City Folk 2am and enjoy!

Etho's Perspective-

Etho sighed as day turned to night in the forest. He was trying to get his mind off everything that happened.

It all went too fast. I wish I could go back and fix everything.

He kept wandering around and then noticed a lone firefly.

"Hey buddy." Etho said, smiling weakly.

The firefly gently landed on Etho's nose.

Etho's nose twitched a bit, but the firefly didn't move.

It sat there before flying off in the opposite direction.

Etho watched it. He looked into the distance, in the direction in which his true home lay.

He then turned back to the firefly and sighed.

"Alright little buddy, where you going?" He asked, smiling weakly as he followed his new friend.


Etho shuddered and tugged on his coat as it got colder.

He never lost sight of his light though.

The firefly leads Etho to Rivendell, the snowy empire in the mountains.

"Rivendell? Why are we here?" Etho asked and the firefly just flew up to the castle.

The guards saw Etho, and their eyes widened.

"Prince Etho? What are you doing here? The king never told us of your arrival at such a late time."

"I- ...I'm just here for a friend."

"Oh, you must mean Prince Scott! I'll lead you up to where he is now." One of the guards said.

Etho glanced at the firefly who was flying up to a tower.

The guard then led Etho to the same tower where Scott sat, reading a book in front of a fire.

"Prince Scott, Prince Etho is visiting. He said he's here for you." The guard said.

Scott looked up at Etho and raised an eyebrow. He then cleared his throat and nodded.

The guard left and Scott tilted his head.

"Etho? What are you doing here? Sausage sent out a letter saying you went missing."

"I- yes I know- "

"So why are you here? Why'd you leave The Mythlands?"

Etho sighed, "I tried to go back to my home and then I...I don't know."

Etho saw his little bug friend outside the window, and he chuckled quietly.

"Come on in little buddy." Etho said, opening the window and cupping the firefly in his hands.

"A firefly?" Scott tilted his head.

"I don't know, he led me here." Etho said, shrugging.

"Did you hit your head or something? Maybe you hung out with Joel for too long."

Etho laughed.

"Speaking of Joel, I thought you would be with him after your romantic dance." Scott said.

Etho's smile faded a bit.

"I...yeah, I'm not sure what to do about that. It just kind of happened. It's...actually one of the reasons why I tried to leave."

"You tried to leave because of a romantic kiss?" Scott asked and Etho shrugged.

Scott sighed, "You're so confusing. Let me tell you, if me and Jimmy were dancing and he kissed me like that, I wouldn't've run away."

"Easy for you to say, you understand how you feel about him." Etho said, watching as his little firefly flew around the room and landed on a poppy.

"You don't know if you like Joel?" Scott asked, raising an eyebrow.

Etho shrugged, "It's confusing. I've always felt like I needed to close up around people."

"You're not closed up now."

Etho looked down, realizing what Scott had said was true.

Scott smiled softly.

"Sometimes we just need a friend who can listen to you about these things." Scott said, leaning on the windowsill.

"I guess you're right..."

"What you and Joel have is something you shouldn't run away from. If it felt right to you, then I say you should go for it. We all have to take risks at some point in our lives."

Etho leaned on the windowsill as well and they both looked out into the night.

Snowflakes gently fell on the frozen ground, reflecting the light from the moon and creating beautiful pictures of the twinkling flakes that covered the ground and the hills.

The lights in the village below dimmed and the streetlights came on all around the empire.

"This empire is different from The Mythlands." Etho said quietly.

"How so?" Scott asked.

"You tend to accept the seasons and nature changing around you, while in The Mythlands, it seems we try to shape it to fit with us."

Scott nodded.

"The world is a mysterious place."

Etho smiled softly and looked at his firefly friend.

"It sure is." He whispered.

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