The Dye That Lasts Forever

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Joel's Perspective-

"Joel, you have to get ready for the dinner your parents are hosting." Joel's houseworker, Cameryn said, knocking on the door.

Joel was in the middle of dying a streak of his hair and he got nervous.

"U-uh- yeah! I know! I'm just getting dressed!"

"Oh- I have a suit your parents had someone make for you. Your parents want you to wear it tonight."

"Umm...just- just leave it out there! I'll grab it!"

"Joel...what are you doing?" Cameryn asked, knowing that Joel was up to something.

"Nothingggggg." Joel lied as he threw the dye, gloves, and his shirt that he accidentally stained with the dye into a drawer.

Cameryn sighed, "I'll go grab the biggest weapon I have."

She left and Joel realized what she was doing.

Before he could stop her though, his little sister, Maggie, ran into his bedroom.

"Joellllll!!!" Maggie called, banging on the bathroom door.

This is Maggie Beans. She is Joel's younger sister (by five years) and though she turned eleven, she still had a lot of her energy left. Despite her chatty and energetic appearance, she could be very thoughtful and think outside of the box a lot.

Joel groaned and slammed the back of the door, causing Maggie to jump back.

"Shut up!" He shouted.

Maggie grumbled.

"You know if you mess up tonight then you'll be stuck in here for a while." She said.

"Yes, I know, thank you." Joel said bitterly.

"And besides, your parents want everything to go perfect since they're arranging your marriage tonight." Carmyn said, sitting Maggie on Joel's bed so she could re-braid her hair, which got messy when she ran in.

"My what?" Joel opened the door again.

"I'll tell you what I know when you tell me what you're hiding." Carmyn said and Maggie giggled.

Joel grumbled and opened the door.

Cameryn's eyes widened as she saw the streak of green in his hair.

Maggie gasped and then laughed.

"Ohhhh, you're gonna be in so much trouble when dad sees!!" She laughs and points.

"Joel- you have to wash that off before your parents see." Cameryn said seriously.

"I can't." Joel muttered.

"What do you mean you can't?"

"I mean, it's impossible to wash off. Now tell me what you mean about this arranged marriage." Joel said, stepping into his bathroom and shutting the door so he could change into the suit.

Cameryn sighed and finished braiding Maggie's hair and Maggie ran out of the room, giggling.

"Your parents plan on having you marry the princess of The Ocean Empire." Cameryn explained.

"Why?" Joel asked.

"Your parents fear that there's going to be a war between cod and salmon starting soon and they want to have a strong allyship with The Ocean Empire. And they think that having you marry the princess then things would work out."

Joel groaned, "I don't even know who this chic is! How am I supposed to know whether or not I wanna marry her?"

Joel opened the door and stepped out in the purple suit, adjusting the crown on his head.

Cameryn sighed and fixed the sash, so it wasn't twisted in the back.

"Just make sure tonight goes well. I'm not sure if this marriage will happen or not. Maybe a war between cod and salmon won't happen and you won't have to marry her. We don't know, just try not to overthink it, and live through this night, okay?"

Joel sighed and nodded.


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