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Please listen to Animal Crossing City Folk 1am and enjoy!!! (if you couldn't tell I've been listening to Animal Crossing music with rain sounds in the background while writing basically this entire story

Etho's Perspective-

Two Months Later-

"You ready?" Joel asked, holding out his hand for his boyfriend to take.

Etho chuckled and held Joel's hand.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"Let's see if we can make our way through the jungle to The Lost Empire."

"Luckily Scott said that Lizzie made a little river connecting the ocean and The Lost Empire, so we should be fine."

They packed up their stuff and started on their journey.

They had been traveling around the world and some of the other empires they never really got to see.

As day turned to night and they were in the jungle, Etho heard a quiet clicking sound.

"Turn the lantern off." Etho whispered and Joel raised an eyebrow.

"What? Why?"

"Just do it, trust me." Etho said, and Joel sighed, blowing the flame out.

They stood in darkness until Etho smiled and held Joel's hand, dragging him along.

"Where are we going? What do you see?" Joel asked, confused.

"My little buddy." Etho whispered and Joel was even more confused.

They stopped at a glowing moss lake where little fireflies flew. The grass gently swayed in the cool night wind.

"Etho, what is this?" Joel asked, watching as the little firefly landed on Etho's hand.

"It must be their home." Etho whispered and the firefly made a tiny clicking sound with its wings.

The forest was silent again and the fireflies illuminated the night. The light made Joel feel more tired as he sighed, resting his head on Etho's shoulder.

"Should we call it a night?" Etho asked, smiling softly.

Joel nodded weakly.

"Alright, I'll set our camp up, you lay here."

Etho stood up and set the tent up, smiling as he saw his firefly buddy flutter around over the glowing lake. It looked so peaceful, and Etho couldn't help but feel happy,



and loved.

He had found his home again.

And he found that because of Joel.

I love you.

I hope you guys enjoyed this story. I think it was cute and I had fun writing it. Normally I write like this essay at the end of my stories but imma stop doing that and instead just say, thanks for reading.

Keep being amazing and kicking ass


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