Dinner of Disappointment

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Joel's Perspective-

As Joel sat down at the dinner next to the princess of The Ocean Empire, he felt waves of nerves wash over him. Maggie was sitting to the left of him, and she was talking with the prince of The Ocean Empire.

Joel's father started a speech about bringing the empires together and how he was so proud of Joel for turning 16 and being a proper prince.

Joel rolled his eyes.

What a load of bull crap.

His father then had Joel stand up.

"As you can see, we had Joel dye a bit of his hair green to represent how he will help bring color and moss into the beautiful buildings of Mezalea."

Joel's eyes widened and he stared at his father in disbelief.

His father glared at him, and Joel looked down, knowing that he was going to be in big trouble if he messed up anymore at this dinner.

Joel sighed as he sat back down in his chair and the dinner started.

He looked around and he made eye contact with the princess of The Ocean Empire.

She smiled softly. She had wavy pink hair and wore a blue and white dress.

"I like how you dyed your hair." She said.

"Oh- thanks. But I uh- didn't dye it for the moss."

She tilted her head, "Then why did you dye it?"

"To try and rebel against my parents. They're so annoying."

"Oh...I'm sorry."

"It's alright."

They sat in silence and Joel felt his parents' eyes on him as he tried to figure out which fork to use for the salad.

Lizzie subtly motioned to one of the forks and Joel smiled, picking up and using that one.

"Thanks." He whispered.

"Sure thing." She smiled.

Maggie smirked at Joel.

"Oooooo!!" She poked his arm and giggled, causing Joel to roll his eyes.

After dinner, the parents went to the meeting room and Xornoth, who was a couple months away from being crowned king of Rivendell, was dragged off with them.

Meanwhile, the houseworkers led me and the other princes and princesses up to the living room where we just sat and chatted.

Joel watched as Lizzie spoke with the prince of Rivendell, Scott.

It won't be too bad to marry her. I mean, she's a nice person. I feel like we'd be good friends.

"Hey! Joel! Meet my cousin!"

Joel turned around and Sausage walked over to him, another guy following behind him.

The guy had a red and gold suit on and had brown hair that was cut short. He looked shy and a bit embarrassed as he followed Sausage.

"Cousin?" Joel asked, tilting his head.

Sausage nodded.

"Mhm! This is my cousin Etho!"

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