Knight in 'Shining' Armor

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Last update for today, enjoy!

Etho's Perspective-

Two Months Earlier-

"Etho, there's a letter for you." A guard said, handing Etho a letter.

Etho nodded to the guard and opened the letter.

'Dear Etho,
We are sending a carriage to pick you up and take you to The Mythlands, where you will be staying now. I'm sorry for this new adjustment, but it is for your own safety. I will explain more when you get here. Think of this as an adventure.
See you soon, Xoni'

Etho was confused and after a little bit, a carriage drove up to the palace he guarded.

He hesitated and looked at the town he lived in.

"Etho, I suggest we leave now before dark." The carriage driver said.


Etho is a cousin of Sausage's. They have spoken a bit but not much.

Etho had grown up in a faraway kingdom called Frost Ford. He was a guard for the castle there and he was pretty good at it, so he was confused as to why he was going to the Mythlands.

When he arrived there, his uncle who was the king of the Mythlands, Xoni, told Etho why he wanted him to live there now.

"You see, Frost Ford is ruled by an evil king, and I think it's better that you live here now. Your parents would've wanted that."

I looked down. My parents had died after I turned 14 and became a knight, and I was left alone. I became really closed up and didn't really talk to many people. I dyed my hair white and normally wore it in a bun, and I also wore a black mask.

But now that I was here, I was taught to stop all of that.

They wanted me to be a prince like Sausage, and not a knight like I was used to.

I didn't find it that difficult until a while later when they told me that I would be going to this festival feast thing for a prince of a different empire and that I would have to take off my mask and cut my hair.

I was clearly offended but Xoni explained to me that the ruler of that empire would think I was trans or something and not take that well and that it would be better if I changed.

"Just for one night. You can do that, right?" Xoni asked.

I sighed and nodded.

He smiled and patted my back.

"Think of it as an adventure."

That's one of Xoni's favorite phrases that he tells me.

I guess he thinks it'd ease the pain, but it really doesn't.

So when the day of this random kid's festival, I was upset and very embarrassed.

I hadn't ever taken my mask off in front of other people a lot before.

Well, Xoni was right about it being an adventure.

An uncomfortable one at that.


"Hey! Joel! Meet my cousin!"

Joel, the spoiled prince whose parents gave him this festival, turned around and Sausage walked over to him with me following close behind.

"Cousin?" Joel asked, tilting his head.

Sausage nodded.

"Mhm! This is my cousin Etho!"

Joel made eye contact with me.

"Er- hello. Are you...a prince too?" Joel asked.

"No, he used to be a- "

I elbowed Sausage from speaking any further and Joel looked confused.

"Ah- I mean- yes, he is a prince. Umm...I'm gonna go talk to fWhip! Bye!"

Sausage smiled sheepishly and left.

I sighed and shook my head.

I looked around and thought about walking back out to the carriage we arrived in when Joel stopped me.

"So are you like Sausage's brother that he just knows as a cousin?"

"No, I'm just his cousin." I said, the first time I ever spoke to anyone at this weird party.

"Well...nice to meet you." Joel stretched out his hand and I hesitated before shaking it.

"The pleasure is mine."

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