Where I Belong

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 Etho's Perspective-

"What were you thinking saying yes to him?" Xoni ranted, pacing back and forth.

I rolled my eyes, "Jeez, chill. You're starting to sound like Joel's dad."

"Etho, that was a very important dance that you just ruined! Now the Mezalean's are probably going to be our enemies because of you!"

"Alright, look I- "

"Do you even know how much trouble you caused me!? Can't you do anything right?"

My eyes twitched and I shot up.

"Listen, I didn't ask to be dragged here. That was all you. It was all you and 'think of this as an adventure!!!!'. I don't care. I didn't want to be here."

"Your empire was being ruled by an evil- "

"Then stop shouting at me like this is my fault!! You took me from my home and brought me here and expected me to just follow your rules."

"It's what your parents would've- "

"STOP SAYING THAT!" I shouted, causing Xoni to shut up.

"I don't know what my parents would've wanted, and neither do you. I know you're my dad's brother, but I'm damn sure he didn't tell you exactly what he wanted to happen with me when I grew older. So stop acting like you know what they would want. All you know is what you want. That's it."

"I bet you that they want me to do what I want. They want me to be happy. And all you're doing is preventing that." I sighed and stormed upstairs, ignoring Sausage who looked shocked.

I grabbed my coat, bow and arrows before going to the stables.

"Etho! Where are you going?" Sausage called out and I rolled my eyes.

"Listen, I'm not staying here in your little spoiled rich castle. I'm going back to where I belong."

"But what about Joel?"

I blushed a bit but shook my head.

"That doesn't matter, he has to marry Lizzie to get out of this whole weird fish war. Besides, I'm just some random kid people think is a danger to them." I then saddled up on one of the fastest horses and took off, ignoring Sausage who was trying to stop me.


As I rode towards Crystal Cliffs, I knew that Gem was probably going to see me.

Frost Ford was a couple miles away from Crystal Cliffs, but there was no easy way around this crystal empire, so I knew I had to create a diversion to sneak by.

I then rode my horse faster and faster before jumping off and hanging onto a branch, watching as it ran off.

That should distract them for a bit.

I made sure I still had my crossbow before running off.

Gem's Perspective-

Gem rolled her eyes as her brother tried to argue that he didn't have a crush on Sausage.

Gem walked into her room and saw an owl perched on her window with a letter in its beak.

She gently grabbed the letter and read it before gasping.

"What? What's wrong?" fWhip asked, confused.

"Etho ran away?!"


fWhip read the letter over Gem's shoulder.

"Why is he trying to go back to Frost Ford?" He asked.

"I don't know, but we have to go find him. Come on." Gem grabbed her robe and staff before running out.

okay so when writing this me and my friend KitKat (she beta reads all my stuff) were trying to plan how fast Sausage can send a letter about Etho to Gem and fWhip and if it would arrive before Etho got there and this happened:

okay so when writing this me and my friend KitKat (she beta reads all my stuff) were trying to plan how fast Sausage can send a letter about Etho to Gem and fWhip and if it would arrive before Etho got there and this happened:

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And then I wrote the chapter late at night and I woke up the next day to find this

And then I wrote the chapter late at night and I woke up the next day to find this

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uhh- yeah your girl was on something different that night.

As you can see I came up with something else and didn't go with that lol

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