I Guess if You Love Something, You Have To Let it Go

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Etho's Perspective-

Etho eventually got back to The Mythlands, where Xoni was relieved to see him.

"I'm so sorry I did that. Just promise me you're okay." Xoni said, hugging Etho.

Etho frowned, feeling like this was just an act that Xoni was putting on, but he hugged back anyway.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Etho muttered.

"Oh thank goodness, I was so worried." Xoni said, letting Etho go.

Etho nodded, "Yeah, well I need to go do something, so...I'm gonna go..."

Etho left out to the castle gardens.

There were sunflowers and wither roses scattered around.

It was dark out and Etho reached into his coat and pulled out a jar holding his firefly friend.

"Okay buddy, it's time for you to go." Etho whispered, opening the jar.

The firefly flew out and landed on Etho's hand.

Etho smiled softly, "Thanks for leading me to Scott. I don't think I wouldn't've gone there if it wasn't for your light."

Etho then kneeled down, and the firefly walked onto a sunflower.

It stared back at Etho before flying off into the night.

Etho sighed.

After his parents had died, he always repeated the same thing.

"I guess if you love something, you have to let it go."

And that's why he worries so much about his relationship with Joel.

He learned that things don't just last, they change, and fall apart.

That's just how cruel life is.

It's easier to just avoid forming any close relationships than getting with someone you love before having to watch it end.

It's like forcing yourself to live through heartbreak.

What's the point?

Etho walked back into the castle and saw Sausage in the library.

"It's late, shouldn't you be off to bed?" Etho asked, leaning on the doorframe.

"Oh- you're back."

"Yeah, I assumed you knew since you chat with Scott and the little group of royals."

Sausage chuckled, "Yeah, I just didn't know when you'd be back here."

"Well I'm back now."

"I'm glad you're alright."

Etho smiled softly.

"I heard you went to talk to Joel, how'd that go?" Sausage asked.

Etho blushed, "It was alright. Nothing special."

Sausage smirked, "Mhm. Sure."

"Oh shut up."

Sausage laughed and he smiled softly, "I'm happy you didn't leave."

Etho smiled softly, "Yeah?"

"I mean, what if you did go back and get ruled by that king?"

"But what if he isn't actually evil?"

Sausage shrugged.

"You know, I always thought that there was a reason for everything. There's a reason why you're here now." He said.

Etho raised an eyebrow, "And why do you think I'm here now?"

"I don't know...but I feel like it has something to do with Joel."

Etho chuckled quietly and sighed, "Yeah...that may not work out."

"What makes you think that?"

"Well you know, if you love something you have to let it go."

Sausage frowned.

"Is that what you really think is going to happen?" He asked.

"I mean, yeah! Things change and then they'll fail. Nothing lasts forever."

"But when things change, so does your relationship."

"My point exactly!"

Sausage chuckled, "No, you don't understand what I mean. What I'm saying is that though you guys change, then you'll find a way to adapt together and keep your relationship strong. It's not just going to fall apart. If you two really care about each other, then you'll work to get it to stay."

Etho looked down.

"And if something doesn't work out, then that just means that it wasn't meant to be. Heartbreak is hard, sure, but getting through it just shows how strong you are. Life isn't about just failures and hardships, it's also about perseverance and how the world changes but so do you. And when things change, then you find ways to adapt."

Sausage then yawned, "Well, I'm getting pretty tired. Night!"

He then left and Etho stood there, blinking, comprehending what Sausage had just told him.

Let me know if that advice made any sense. I'm like so exhausted right now and I wanted to finish a chapter before I went to bed so I quickly wrote this, and I thought it was good but idk- ://///

So yeah if this made sense or like is good uhh- I'm glad bc I just came up with it on the fly XD

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