My Purpose

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Etho's Perspective-

"I don't know whether or not you're a spy, and I won't tell anyone what you tell me, but I just want to know what your real purpose is." Joel said.

Etho chuckled, "Purpose? I still don't know what's the purpose of why I was born, but I do know why I'm here."

"And that's all I wanna know."

Etho looked Joel up and down, narrowing his eyes.

Joel gulped.

"I just want to know." He whispered.

Etho sighed, "Alright, I'll tell you."

Joel smiled.

"If you tell anyone, know that I do know how to fight."

"I won't tell anyone what you said."

Etho smiled, "Good. So, I don't know exactly why I'm here besides the fact that Xoni wanted me to live here now because my old kingdom had a bad king."

"Old kingdom?"


"Were you a prince there too?"

"No, I was a knight."

Joel's eyes light up.

"A- a knight? Can you teach me how to fight?"

Etho blinked, that was not what he was expecting.

"Er- what?"

"I- I've always wanted to be a knight. Being a king just seems so dull."

Etho smiled as he listened to Joel rant.

"Yeah, being a knight is a lot of fun. I- I wouldn't mind teaching you, I'd like to review some of the skills anyway."

Joel smiled excitedly and then got back on track with the story, "So you had to come here because of a bad king?"

"Yeah." Etho said, nodding, "I don't want to be here, everyone seems to just want me dead, and there was different."

"What about your parents?"

"Oh- they...died."

Joel's eyes widened and Etho shrugged.

"It's alright, I know, you get over it." Etho lied and Joel raised an eyebrow.

"You can talk about if you need to." Joel said and Etho laughed it off.

"It's fine, really. Now, want me to show how to fight?"

Joel smiled excitedly and stood up.

"Oh hell yeah!"

Etho chuckled.

"Alright, let's go start with the basics, follow me." 

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