You're Not Alone

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Joel's  Perspective-

Over the past couple months, me and Etho have been training together.

He was a good teacher and an overall fun person to be around. He became more open and friendly with me, but my parents definitely didn't.

My parents, on the other hand, kept a close eye on me and continued the lessons.

My dad must've forgotten about the threat he made to me before my festival as he never enforced it.

He was too freaked out over the fact that Etho could be a spy and this whole fish war.

I didn't realize how mad every ruler was getting with each other, especially with Xoni as he was the one who kept Etho safe.

Xoni still refused to tell Etho's story, like his past held some sort of big secret.

Which...thinking about it, I don't know much about his past.

It made me curious to see what his life was really like and why he became so stern.

Was it because of his parent's death was there something more?

These questions always spun around in my head, but I never asked him. I felt as though he would get mad and stop training me.

But as we grew closer, I decided that today was the day I would ask him everything.


"Hey Etho! Woah, I like the new hair color!" Joel said as he met up with Etho in The Mythlands.

Etho's hair was now white, and it was steadily growing longer. Long enough for him to tie up.

Etho smiled and chuckled.

"Thanks Joel, I appreciate it. I dyed it yesterday."

"Did Xoni get mad?"

"Eh, kind of. He's become a bit sterner with me, but I think that's mostly because everyone's really mad at him for taking me in."

Joel nodded.

"Anyway, uh...I was wondering if you could tell me more about...your past?" Joel asked, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

Etho blinked, "My past? You already know it."

"No, I mean like...well, why are you so stern?"

Etho shrugged, "I don't know, I've always been this way."

Joel narrowed his eyes and Etho sighed.

"Well, that's not true. I've changed to be this way after my parents died. It just seems easier to keep to myself, you know? Learn to fight and protect what you have. That's just the way I've lived- "

Etho cut himself off as he felt Joel hug him.

Etho felt himself blush and he looked away.

Joel noticed Etho blushing and leaned back, scratching the back of his neck as he smiled awkwardly.

"Heh, sorry."

Etho smiled nervously, "It's alright. I- ...thank you."

Etho hesitated and awkwardly hugged back.

Joel chuckled and blushed as well.


Joel got home and saw his parents arguing.

Joel sighed and tried to stroll past them, but his father stopped him.

"Joel, come here. We need to talk to you."

Joel turned to them and grumbled.

"What." He asked in a bit of a snappy tone.

"We have moved your arranged marriage with the Princess of The Ocean Empire to be next year."


Joel's father sighed, "This whole fish war has started and everyone's still arguing about that spy kid, so we need to get this alliance sealed before anything bad happens to us."

Joel looked down, his head spinning.

"Joel, you are known for skipping out on these things and choosing your own path, but for once in your life I need you to listen to me." Joel's father said, kneeling down to be on his son's level, "Think about the future of your kingdom. You are the next king; this is for our future." 

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