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Etho's Perspective-

After the festival feast thing, we went back to The Mythlands.

I don't call it my home.

I, in fact, haven't called a place my home since my parents died.

I always saw home as a feeling, not a word to describe a place you live in.

Sausage chatted with me about how I did well, and he apologized for almost blowing my cover, but I told him it was okay.

Up in the palace room, I stayed up, staring out the window.

There was a lantern on my desk, dimly lighting the room as I wrote in my journal.

Everything was different now.

But it didn't have to be.

I had started this thing where every night, I would go out to the castle gardens and practice hunting some birds.

I got up from the desk and grabbed my crossbow, arrows, and the lantern and quietly made my way down to the woods outside of the castle.

The guards knew I did this and one of them stayed at close range in case something happened to me, despite me being able to fight for myself.

As I aimed my crossbow and shot a bird, I heard a girl gasp.

I jumped and looked around, seeing a girl wearing a long sunflower dress.

I recognized her from the party but hopefully she didn't recognize me. I was wearing a different outfit and my mask, and plus it was mostly dark out.

We didn't break eye contact until I quickly blew out the light in the lantern and started to run.

"HEY! GET BACK HERE YOU MURDERER!" The girl shouted, chasing me.

I made a quick sharp right and climbed up a tree.

The girl wandered around before looking up at the tree I was in.

She narrowed her eyes and tore off her skirt to reveal leggings underneath and she started to climb the tree.

She saw me and growled, holding up the bird I had shot.

"You do this?" She asked.

"Er- yeah?"

"You must be from Mythlands. Lucky for me, I know the prince, he's a friend of mine. I'll tell him that you did this, and you'll be sorry you were out hunting. Do you know how much Sausage cherishes these animals?"

"Yeah, whatever, it doesn't matter."

"Doesn't matter?! This is life you're killing."

I rolled my eyes, and the girl grabbed my arm, dragging me down the tree and towards Mythlands.

I sighed, "Look, you probably already know who I am anyway."

"Yeah, sure. I don't recognize you."

"Yeah, that's because I'm wearing something different, but Sausage probably told you because he has such a tendency to tell literally everyone everything that happens to him! He cannot keep his mouth shut!"

"You're making a bad decision-making fun of my friend like that."

"Well you're making a bad decision trying to turn me into my cousin!"

"Cousin? Sausage's cousins are all in distant empires!"

"Well surprise! They're not all far away!"

She looked me up and down and rolled her eyes.

I sighed and she dragged me back to the Mythlands castle and told a guard about what I was doing.

The same guard who's normally keeping an eye on me.

He chuckled.

"Yeah, no he's actually Sausage's cousin. You can ask Sausage tomorrow, but for now I ask you to please unhand Prince Etho."

My face scrunched up.

Prince?! I'm no spoiled prince.

The girl let me go and the guard escorted me back to my room.

"Guess you'll have to stop hunting for a bit, huh?" He asked.

I sighed, "Probably. That idiot. I wasn't bothering her at all!"

"She has the tendency to jump the gun, but don't worry, she's alright. I'll talk to Prince Sausage and the king about this tomorrow."

The guard started to leave but I stopped him.

"Er- I technically...a prince now?"

The guard nodded.

"Yep. Anyone in the line of monarchy includes cousins."

I looked down and the guard then left.

The Next Day-

I listened as Sausage was talking to his friend Pearl, who was the girl who was shouting at me last night.

He was laughing and trying to calm her down and tell her that I was his cousin.

I walked past their room and Sausage smiled at me.

"Hey Etho! Wanna join the conversation? I'm trying to convince Pearl that- "

I glared at Sausage, and he shut up.

I then looked back ahead and continued my walk in the palace.

Because that's what a spoiled,


rich ass prince would do.

I personally really like Etho's character in this story. I feel like I always ruin his personality, but I think I got it this time >:)

For once XD

But I genuinely am so happy about how he's turning out, and I hope you are too :D

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