Chapter 29: Nervous

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As Hayley and Katrina are walking back, Katrina seems slightly nervous.

"Are you okay, love?" Hayley asks softly.

Katrina nods and Hayley raises an eyebrow.

"You have a tendency to say your "fine" when your not" Hayley says, she squeezes Katrina's hand softly, comforting her.

"I'm just a little bit nervous" Katrina mutters.

"Why?" Hayley asks her tone growing concerned, "You'll see...".

Hayley and Katrina get back to the Mikaelson Manor.

They walk in, Hayley notices there's an old woman sat in the chair, drinking tea.

"I see you've found the tea already, Grandmother" Katrina tilts her head and then mutters "Oh right".

She turns to Hayley, "Hayley...This is my grandmother" Katrina's grandmother smiles kindly at Hayley.

"Grandmother, this is Hayley..." Katrina takes a deep breath "...My girlfriend".

Hayley realised why Katrina was so nervous, she didn't know wether her grandmother would accept her.

Katrina's grandmother stands up and shakes Hayley's hand, "Nice to meet you Hayley" she says her tone soft.

"Good to meet you too ma'am" Hayley's says, which causes a chuckle from Katrina's grandmother.

"Please call me Ingrid" Hayley nods "Alright then, Ingrid...".

Ingrid turns to Katrina, who's looking at her feet "Where's Mikael?" Ingrid asks, Katrina looks up.

"He's uh dead...I killed him" Katrina murmurs the last part, before anyone can say anything Hope runs down the stairs and jumps into Hayley's arms.

Ingrid raises an eyebrow "Did you two have-" Katrina shakes her head.

"It's a very long story..." Katrina says,"...I'm going to make dinner for the littlest wolf and my grandmother" Katrina says as she walks away.

Ingrid follows, Katrina preheats the oven and grabs a cucumber and a knife and starts slicing it.

Ingrid watches over her, "I can't remembering you being able to cook, Katarzyna".

Katrina looks up, "I uh..go by Katrina now..." Katrina says, distracting herself by cutting the cucumber.

"Oh...alright...that may take some time for me to adjust to's a cute nickname" Ingrid smiles softly at Katrina.

Katrina doesn't smile back, still cutting the cucumbers.

Ingrid tilts her head, Kol walks in and smiles at Ingrid, whom he saw the moment she got home.

"You're always moaning we're cutting it wrong and your doing it too" Kol says, eating a cookie.

"I guess Hayley rubbed off on me" Katrina murmurs, Kol laughs.

"Not like that!" Katrina says defensively, knowing what Kol is thinking.

Kol walks out of the room, Ingrid pauses for a moment before speaking.

"You don't smile as much anymore..." Ingrid says softly, Katrina nods.

"Gods never given me much to smile about" Katrina chuckles.

Ingrid frowns, Katrina cuts some bread and pulls some butter out of the fridge and lathers it on the bread.

She puts the cucumber on one of the pieces of bread and put the other on top it.

She makes two cucumber sandwiches, she cuts them both in half and puts them on plates.

She hands one plate too her grandmother and walks back in the living room and hands a plate too Hope.

Hayley raises an eyebrow.

Katrina notices, "I never said I was a chef Miss Marshall, and also it's like 10pm she will be sick if she eats proper food right now" Katrina says playfully.

Hayley laughs, and nods "Yeah, your right..".

After about five minutes Hayley takes Hope too bed and Katrina shows her grandmother to the spare room.

"There's clothes in there" Katrina points to a drawer, "And bathroom is down the hall".

Ingrid nods "Goodnight, dear" "Night" Katrina walks out of the room.

Katrina gets back to her room and throws herself on the bed and sighs.

Hayley walks in "Not going to change or..?" Hayley teases.

Katrina shrugs her shoulders, Hayley sits next to her.

Katrina rests her head on Hayley's lap, and Hayley runs her fingers through Katrina's hair.

"It doesn't feel real....her being alive" Katrina murmurs, Hayley leans back on the bed.

"It must be weird having her come back to life...but at least she's back" Hayley smiles softly.

Katrina nods and sits up before laying her head on Hayley's chest.

"So I'm guessing that's a no to changing then" Hayley chuckles.

Katrina chuckles too, before falling asleep in Hayley's arms.

Hayley soon also falls asleep, holding Katrina close.

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