BOOK 6. The story carries on briefly from the end of the previous book. Shen Wei is doing what he loves best, teaching and hasn't met the new Zhao Yunlan. The mansion where the hologram lives is for sale but it never will be sold, the mysterious p...
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Boss was on the run with the key to everything he had always wanted. Wealth, power, and a world that would bow to him. He never stopped to think that it had all been to easy, that the most powerful being on two worlds had allowed him to escape with a tracker built into his piece of treasure, drawing them closer to him as he headed for the only doorway that he knew.
Shen Wei positioned himself on a hill overlooking the area where Boss had parked his car knowing that the guards would arrive at any moment bringing Yunlan with them and he watched as this 'would be ruler' took his creased black robe out of the trunk to dress himself before activating the doorway. He didn't have a mask with him but he didn't think that it would be necessary because he had the orb, that was the only proof he needed to identify himself as the lost prince.
The slight breeze was enough to alert Shen Wei that the guards had appeared behind him and he turned around seeing the wide grin on Yunlan's face, as he stood amongst them. Wei stepped towards him and hugged him before he started to explain what was going to happen.
"Yunlan, the orb you are carrying will open the doorway from where we are in this position, there is no need to take it any closer, just spin it while holding it out in front of you. Boss has no idea how to activate the orb, so any movement he makes, he will assume is the correct one, especially if we time it right, giving him the impression that he opened the door. You must stay away unless I think it is safe for you to approach and I'll leave a guard to transport you closer."
Yunlan was getting a bit nervous because it seemed as if there was more going on than he had realised.
"Wei what exactly will happen after the door opens? Will you be in any danger from the other side? Don't expect me to stay here and do nothing if you are threatened in any way."
"Yunlan , my love, I will not be in any danger of any kind. The Royal court will be alerted as soon as the orb is activated and they will send the guards, who were mine to command when I was living there, some things don't change. Now please do as I ask and you will be safe, stay here for now."
Wei stepped closer to Yunlan and stared into his eyes before he threw his arms around him, holding him firmly while he kissed him, sharing the taste of his last coffee, " Tea's better for you A-Lan." and he smiled at Yunlan before he disappeared to take his position in front of the invisible doorway, just as Boss held the orb out in front of him, hoping that it would trigger the link.
Yunlan followed his action, except he spun the orb as instructed by Shen Wei and was amazed to see a large frameless square shape surrounded by a thin mist slowly appear, opposite the two men. The Royal Guards who exited from the linked doorway were very impressive, numbering about 50 fully armed soldiers, dressed in the same manner as Black Robe's guards. Their captain stood in front and stared at both men, one in a bad copy of the Black Robe outfit and the other in a smart blue suit whom Boss had not noticed until the captain started talking to both of them.