Chapter 11

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"Huh... So Baji went to Valhalla." Rian mumbled down her breath. It was night time, and she was with her sister, Mei. In the living room, Mei was watching television shows when Rian was washing the dishes.

"Why am I the one cleaning anyways? Aren't I the guest here?"

"Well not anymore. I can call you an intruder too for barging into my place before even asking."

"Well sorry, I guess."

"You don't even look sorry."

Rian sighed over her sister's words. Oh, how she hoped she could get her cute, introverted sister back than this.

"Hey, Rian. I'm thirsty." Mei told her without looking away from the television.

"Get some water to drink then. Why are you telling me this?"

"No, plain water is boring..."

Rian stood silent hearing her words.

"Get me sake from the convenience store." Mei demanded.

"Dumbass, the cashier won't let an underaged girl buy booze there."

"Ask for help from someone else then."

"... Don't wanna admit, but that's actually a good idea.." She didn't know what to say. She wanted a booze too, to be honest. So that's what her sister came up with for reading so much in the past few years.

"There's a spare key on the table. Don't you dare come back with empty hands." Mei pointed at the spare key she had that's on the dining table.

Rian took the key and sighed. No choice, she adored her. Putting on a black jacket with blue on the side, she went out to get her dear sister some canned beer.

It was in the middle of the night. Rian thought it was a good idea to find some alcohol from the vending machine. But to her surprise, non of the vending machines sells beer.

"This place is shit." She cussed as she was on the way to the convenience store.

Walking in the dark for around 10 minutes or so, she eventually reached a drug store that's still opened. Well, it's open for 24 hours of course. She stepped inside and wanted to get the drinks so that she could get back soon.

She went paying at the cashier. As expected, the cashier guy wanted Rian to show her card.

"I.... Uh... Forgot! Yeah!"

"Even if you really did forget, it's obvious enough that you're underaged.."

"What? Is it because of my height? Or is it cause I'm too flat? Have you ever been taught to not judge a book by its cover??"

Fortunate enough, she got kicked out and didn't get to buy anything from there. She was so speechless at this, and furious too.

"Well, at least get some coke from the vending machine nearby..."
She was thinking of at least getting some other drinks than beer. She started walking back from the direction she came from.

"Baji... Just what are you thinking bout..." She mumbled to herself.

"Huh, Tora's getting released tomorrow. I should go get him." She again, said to herself as she looked at the date on her flip phone.

Stepping in to an alley way, it was darker since no street lights were there. The only light source was from her phone.

"Hey, have you heard 'Mikey'?"

"Ah, Tokyo Manji gang? Why?"

"Heard they fought among themselves the other day, and got two of their people in the hospital."

"They're a gang with a bunch of kids after all."

"Pretty sure we'd kick their asses."

She stood there, listening to the conversation between 3 guys in front of her. Which they never noticed that a girl was standing still beside them. Not to mention that they're smoking and talking loudly.

"Hey, about Mikey. Tell me more." She said out of the sudden, making the 3 guys jolt.

"Oh? So a girl like you, you're interested, too?"

"Yeah, would you mind..." She smiled, giving one of them a kick in the face.
"... Shut the hell up?"

The other two had their eyes widened at the girl in front of them. She grabbed another guy on the collar, and pulled out the cigarette hanging in his mouth.

"I hate the smell of cigarettes." Throwing the stick away, she pushed him away and let him go.

"I'll pluck your teeths if I hear you insulting Mikey or Toman again."

She started walking pass them, leaving the 3 behind.

"Hey...! You think you'd get away after kicking our friend in the face?"

"Is that something you should really say out loud?" She turned her head, looking at them. They were in their fighting stances already. What morons... 3 guys versus a girl.

"And I was about to let you go there..." She sighed to herself over the trouble she got into.

The 3 started running towards her with their battle cries, which she found annoying, especially in the middle of the night.

"Stop yelling, people are sleeping, you know?" She lectured as she elbowed one in the abdomen that was going for a punch and failed.

Another one came in front of her face, stepping on the guy that's already down in the process. He tried sending her a kick by her temples, but was grabbed on the leg by her. He was thrown away, flying back until he hit the concrete wall.

"Still coming?" She asked as she saw the last one charging at her with a metal pipe. She grabbed the metal pipe that was about to hit her head, and sent him a kick beside his stomach.

Now all the 3 guys are down, she put her hands in her pockets.

"Hey, how old are you guys?" She asked one of them.


"Huh...." She mumbled.

Fast forward 15 minutes later

Rian got back to Mei's apartment. She unlocked the door and stepped in.

"Where's the beer?" She asked.

"It's on the way." Rian said as she took off her shoes and jacket.


The doorbell rang after Mei's words. Rian opened the door, revealing 3 guys with plastic bags on their hands. Their faces were swollen blue and red...

"Here's your drinks..."

"What's this..." Mei mumbled at her sister.

"Let's just say that we have someone to run errands for us from now on."


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