Chapter 28

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In front of Rian, there stood a tanned guy with white hair. Wearing a red gang uniform.

"You should've come get me yourself, ya know? I wouldn't find myself refusing if it was you." Rian there smiled at her childhood best friend. She was deep down happy to be able to see him again.

"It was suppose to surprise you after all. Well? Were you?"
He returned her a small smile.

"I am, man. Definitely am."

"I thought so. Now, to the topic." Izana jumped down from the blue metal container he's standing on, and stood in front of Rian.

"I need your strength, Kiri. Join Tenjiku." He raised his hand to her, inviting her to Tenjiku. As a friend, and as the president.

Without another second of hesitation, Rian took his hand, giving it a small shake. This made Izana stunned.

"Are you sure bout' this, Kiri? Our goal is to crush 'The Invincible Mikey'." He never thought that she'd take his hand without a second thought.

"Like I said, Izana. I couldn't find myself refusing if it was you." She loosened her hand, giving him a small bow.

"Kurokawa Izana. I, right here am dedicating my life to you. Take me, take Tenjiku to the top."

"No second thoughts?"

"No second thoughts."

Izana's smile widened hearing this.
"Very well then. Welcome to Tenjiku, Kiri." He threw her the red gang uniform.

"I'm making you my right hand man."

Rian didn't reply on that. She turned her head to Kakucho, who was listening to them the whole time.

"Guess you became his 'servant' after all." He joked, remembering that she'd always scold Izana for calling her a 'servant'.

"Time's changed, Kakucho. And you too. Great abs, by the way." She left the area with that word, being followed by both Izana and Kakucho from the behind.

They've met up with the other executives in an old warehouse. All of them, including Koko, Mucho and Sanzu.

"Hello, S62~" She sang, not reading the atmosphere while waving her hand at them.

"Kiri... You really are brainless as your sister told me." Koko complained, guessing that she had joined since she's wearing the red uniform.

"Well, I can't win 300 members and all the executives on my own, right?"

Backing up, she gave all the executives a small bow. Introducing herself.

"Kiyone Rian, a.k.a Kiri." She straightened her back, eyes wandering to Kisaki.

As Kisaki raised his brow in confusion, she pointed her index finger at him.
"I'll state this out first, I don't like you." And she said this with a sarcastic tone.

"Neither do I." He coldly replied.

"Hey, you're just a new member here. Don't get so cocky already." Hanma, who's sitting beside Kisaki said.

Her eyes and expression died down hearing this. She put down her index finger, soon turning to a middle finger, making the others speechless.

"As Izana's right hand man, he won't do anything to me as long as I finish what I had to do."

She paused, and smiled again.
"Including killing off any members and executives in Tenjiku."

The executives all looked at their president, to see what's he going to say about her words.

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