Chapter 34

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Rian versus Mei, the sisters are standing right before each other, face to face.

"I even dropped you in front of the hospital door... Why are you still here?!" Rian gripped her first, asking Mei.

She gave Mei a kick in the face, making her slide back a few meters away, though she blocked the attack with her arms.

"Come on, man. Not telling me anything about your plan, pushing all of us away. Am I even your sister still?!"
Appearing in front of Rian, she said after returning her a kick.

Dodging the kick, she grabbed on to Mei's leg, pulling it making Mei fall on to the ground. She hissed out of pain, then got angry at her sister.

"And now you're not even planning to fight me seriously?!"
She knew Rian's fighting style, which was definitely not this. She'd take the person head on no matter who her enemy was.

"This is why I never wanted you to come..." Rian mumbled, leg stepping on Mei's arm, locking her from trying to get up.

"I have my own beliefs, Mei. I'll clear out those who steps in my way, including you."

Mei who's on the edge, she wanted to beat some senses into Rian. Well, as much as she wanted to do that, she couldn't move at all. It's like her body's stuck to the ground.

Looking at Rian who's standing over her with a leg on her arm, it's so frustrating.
"If it's like that, then you would've killed me already at this state."

"Tsk...." Rian clicked her tongue, lifting up her leg on Mei's arm.

Just when Mei's confused, she got kicked in the face, making her roll away to her right out of the huge impact.

"How can you be so stupid?! Stop talking already!" Rian shouted at her. It's the first time that she'd been so harsh to her sister. She'd be lying if it doesn't shatters her heart.

"I even wiped half of Toman... Just to prevent you guys from coming to this fight that you obviously have no chance of winning. So why are you still here?! You're smarter than this, and you should be!"

Getting up from the ground, Mei wiped the blood away that's oozing from her mouth.

"Well I'm being stubborn! Being reckless! Just like what you're doing right now! You're better than these Tenjiku fuckers, so why are you on their side, huh?!"

She charged towards Rian with a punch. It was caught, and got returned a knee in the abdomen instead.
The pain was enough to bring her to her knees, coughing.

"Give up already. My strength is above you, you should've already noticed that."

Mei didn't answer. Yet, she stood up once again and got in her stance. This made Rian click her tongue, seeing her sister not listening to her words.

Mei started attacking with a kick towards Rian's neck. Though dodged, it's what she had expected. Getting back into her stance faster than Rian, she gave another swift kick in the abdomen with her left leg, which made Rian hiss in pain.

"Guess not." Mei smiled.

Seeing Mei not giving up, Rian got into her battle stance. Placing her right hand in front for attack, left hand placed behind ready to defend anytime. Baji taught her this move that he learnt from Mikey's grandpa. It's a famous karate stance.

Mei went in for a strike, doing a spin, using the back of her hand trying to hit Rian's head. It's a risky move, but it's enough to knock someone down if it hits.

"This again, I told you before it's a risky move against stronger opponents." Rian dodged it, swaying her body to her right. Giving Mei a kick as she dodged by lowering her body. Following up by a low kick, it hit Mei's jaw as she didn't have time to react.

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