Chapter 26

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The sisters were at the train station. Paying on the fares, waiting for the train to come.

"I still don't get why you wanna go all the way to Yokohama just for the porkbuns." Rian sweatdropped while standing beside Mei. She's wearing a brown cardigan with a white button up shirt inside.

"You have absolutely no idea how delicious these porkbuns are! Have you ever tried them before?!" Just by thinking of the porkbuns, Mei could feel her mouth watering up. She wore plain black long sleeves with a short hoodie outside. As she stated, she's holding in the desire to swallow the bag of buns in her hands right now.

The train had arrived, and the sisters boarded on it. Before the door's closed, a large group of men wearing red uniforms came boarding in the train. Having the word "天竺" written on the back of their uniforms.

"Tenjiku? Do you know that gang?" Rian whispered in Mei's ear.

"No damn clue." As Mei whispered back.

No passengers dared to even stand close to those who wore the red uniforms. They seemed fierce, what are they thinking, swarming in the train wearing like this in broad daylight?

"Shibuya station. Please mind the platform gap."

As soon as the train announced that, the sisters swiftly made their way out the train. Who knew that the men were also waiting for this station? They came walking out of the train as a wolf pack.

"What are they trying to do in this place?!" Rian secretly said to Mei, as they fastened up their pace, trying to leave the scene.

"I don't know, but they're bad news for sure."

Rian agreed on her statement. If they're looking for other gangs, then they'd be in big trouble.
"Let's rush. It'd be a big of a hassle if they're looking for Toman."

"And what makes you think that?"

"Sixth sense. It's always correct, and you knew it."

Mei shrugged her shoulders on Rian's words. True, Rian's sixth senses are always right for some reason.

They started fastening up their pace more, into the huge crowds, hiding from the members in the gang called 'Tenjiku'.

They've been rushing for a couple of minutes now. It was then they ended up in an alley way with absolutely no one there, without them even noticing.

"How'd we even end up here?" Rian asked while leaning on the wall as support, they've been doing a small run ever since they've got off the train.

"How do I know? I was following you, so I thought you knew the way? Isn't it easier to hide if we blend into a crowd?" Mei was also confused by them ending up here.

"Hey, I was following you the whole time!"

"I'm the one following you!"

At the brink of them almost fighting, they heard something. It sounded like something hitting one's head, and they fell on the ground, collapsing.

The sisters looked at each other, then tried peeping at what's going on there while hiding behind the walls.

There, they saw a guy with a lavender-silver hair on the ground. They couldn't tell who's the other one in front of him. Again with the men with red uniforms surrounding them.

"This is bad, we should go. Rian-" Mei called out, but it was too late. Her sister already stepped outside.

"That reckless woman!" Mei complained to herself, then rushed out from the alleyway too.

And that's when she finally noticed the one on the ground was the one she's familiar of. Toman's 2nd division captain, Mitsuya.

"Mitsuya?!" She knelt down, checking on him. There's blood oozing out from his head, also injuries everywhere. He must've had a tough fight.

She carried Mitsuya on her back, looking back at Rian who's standing in front of a guy with braids and another one with glasses.

"S62 Generations...?" Mei mumbled to herself, seeing the two guys who ruled Roppongi. And that's when they noticed Mei too.

"Hm? Toman's strategist? Pardon me, but you'll have to die here today." The braided head smiled. He's got a brick in his hand, which was definitely not a good news at all.

"Haitani Ran, Haitani Rindou... Let those two go, or both of you die here?" Rian suddenly asked the two.

"You... Know them?" Mei was in utmost confusion, on the relationship between her sister and the two famous brothers.

"I'm not asking for the second time." Rian once again, said to them. This time, losing her patience.

Ran stared at her for a couple of seconds, he sighed. Closing his eyes out of frustration, he threw the brick he held on the ground.

"I won't be letting you go next time." He stated, and turned away, walking to his brother.

"No one dare to say a word about this, alright?!" Rindou commanded the other members. Guess they're one of the executives of this gang.

The members walked away, as they're following the brothers from behind.

"Ran, Rindou!" Rian called out.

"What the hell are you trying to do?!" She asked the two.

"Rian!" Mei whisper-yelled at her sister, not wanting her to get in trouble. Especially when their enemies just let them go.

"Should be obvious enough, right?" Rindou said without looking back.

"We're crushing Toman."

They left with this, Rian stood there, looking at the brothers she once hung out with.

"And there I thought we were friends." Rian sighed, turning to Mei.

"Let's go, now."

"We should've ran once they said to let us go."

"Nah, they won't dare to do anything to me. I'm your sister, after all." Rian said, patting on her chest, acting like she's a famous celebrity.

"That's what makes you get in trouble!" Mei sweatdropped at her sister's stupidness.

"But Tenjiku, huh... This is gonna be a huge trouble."


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