Chapter 13

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The next morning, Rian was sitting on the benches in front of the cemetery. She seemed like she was waiting for someone, having her arms crossed in front of her chest, her head leaning against the back of the wooden bench, her eyes were closed as if she was sleeping.

"Hey." She called out to the person in front of her.

"K-Kiri-san! I never noticed you!" It was the familiar blonde, Takemichi.

Rian patted on the empty space beside her, hinting him to sit down, as he did.
"Come on, pop a squat."

She kept her eyes closed the whole time, and never said a word after Takemichi had sat down.

"Em... Kiri-san?"


"You told me that you've got something to ask me... But... Why here? Isn't it... Scary?" He carefully asked. They're literally in the cemetery right now. Even if she's not scared, anyone would be.

"Why not? I've been sleeping here since yesterday. This place is chilly for some reason..."

"That's what makes it scary!" He's mentally crying inside. And if she's not changing places, he'd definitely cry physically.

"Is it? Such a scaredy cat." She stood up from her seat.

"Let's go then."

"Yeah!" Takemichi sighed in relief.

They walked for a couple of minutes on the streets, eventually stopping by a dessert shop. They sat down in a corner, and ordered their stuff.

"Now we can talk." Rian started as the waitress went away.

She looked at Takemichi in the eyes, which he looked nervous about what she was going to say.
"I'll get straight to the point then. Hanagaki Takemichi, what are you hiding?"

Hearing this, he gulped. Out of all the possible questions he had thought of, he was definitely not expecting this.

"I... Uh.... I'm not hiding anything...! Yeah!"

"Liar. It's written all over you. You've been acting weird since the day we met."

He took a deep breath and sighed.
"I'm really not hiding anythi-"

"Ahh... Maybe asking this question changes your mind." She lazily said to Takemichi as she leaned on her seat.

"Who exactly is Kisaki?"

The both of them fell silent. Takemichi didn't know how to answer this question of hers. Most importantly, how'd she knows about Kisaki in the first place? She wasn't even in Toman.

The silence continued, and broke when the waitress served their food.
"Here's your order."
She said as she placed Rian's parfait and Takemichi's juice in front of them.

"Ah, thanks." Rian thanked the waitress and immediately started digging in to her dessert.

"Kiri-san... How'd you know about Kisaki...?"

"I have my ways... Besides, I've exchanged a word or two with him before."

"Kiri-san..." He hesitated, but decided to tell her. As she had already suspected something.

"Promise me not to tell anyone about this?"


Takemichi told Rian everything. About how he came from 12 years from the future. About how he tried saving his girlfriend, Hinata. About how Kisaki was behind everything.

"Kiri-san, in the future. On October 31st, you'll die along with Baji-san." Takemichi told her with a serious tone.

"... What about Mei?"

"Huh? Well... There's no specific information about her in the future...."

"So I can assume that she'll still be fine after this brawl huh..."

Takemichi lowered his head.
"Kiri-san, in the future, you died because Kazutora-kun stabbed you. So, please, promise me this... Don't interfere the fight no matter what."

"I suppose I can do that..." She replied him as she finished her dessert.

"Thanks for being honest with me, by the way." She smiled.

"In exchange of that, I'll answer any question you ask."

Takemichi thought for a while. It's clear enough of what he's about to ask.
"Then... How'd you know Kisaki?"

"Before Baji left Toman, that is. I was sitting at the seashore. He came up to me all of the sudden, asking if I wanna join Valhalla. He said that I'd make a good fighter. I declined, of course, I have my own beliefs too. But also curious what are they gonna pull up, that's one of the reasons I went to the hideout that day."

She stopped to try and remember what else information can she give to Takemichi.
"And there's once, Mikey told me. That he's going to make Kisaki the position of the captain of the 3rd squad, as a substitute of Pah."

"So Mikey-kun has met him before too..." Takemichi mumbled down his breath.

Rian sighed as she continued.
"Takemichi, have you realized something?"

"Now that you've said it... He invited you to Valhalla... But also a captain in Toman..."

"Yes. Valhalla's nickname was called 'The Headless Angel', a gang without its president. That 'president' will most probably be Kisaki."

"Could it be that he's manipulating this whole situation?"

"Who knows? We'd know eventually after the brawl." Rian shrugged.

Takemichi sat and leaned back on to his seat.
"Kiri-san, about the time travelling part of mine. Don't you think that's all bullshit?"

"It does, actually. I don't know whether to believe you or not. But there's nothing I can do other than that."


"Now then." Rian stood up from her seat, stretching her arms over her head.
"I have other matters to attend to." She smiled at Takemichi.

"Eh? You're going already?"

"Yeah. Thanks for the food!" She ran out the door with a small run after waving goodbye to him. Making him wonder.

"What did she mean by 'thanks for the food'?" He thought to himself, when a waitress walked to him, showing him the receipt. He looked at the paper in her hands, confused.

The waitress smiled.
"That should be 2200 yen, please."

"Kiri-san...." Now he understood....


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