[𝟐𝐦𝐢𝐧] ❝𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧❞

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Ship: Seungmin × Minho

Genre: Fluff


Seungmin's pov ;

I groaned feeling my muscles ache after practicing for three hours continuously.
Since our comeback is nearing in a month, we all have been practicing really hard for it.

"Ok guys! That's enough for today I guess. Let's all get to home." Hoots and whistles were heard across the room from the members after hearing chan's words.

I was struggling with a step so I decided to spend some time in the studio to get it right. "Channie hyung you guys carry on I will practice for a bit and I'll reach home." Chan hyung started to protest saying that it would be tiring since we have been practicing for so long.

"Are you sure seungmin? Or do you want me stay with you?" I smiled at chan hyung and assured that I would be fine alone. After lot of convincing he agreed with me. He is the best leader ever.

"Hey minnie ~" I turned hearing felix singing my name teasingly. "What do you want yongbokie?" I groaned seeing him smirking at me, that means he has something planned in his mind which is aboustely dangerous for me.

"Why don't you ask your crush for help?" I signed when felix teased me by wriggling his eyebrows. "Shut up and get out felix before I smash that smirk from your face" he laughed to my harmless threat.

"Minho hyung seungmin needs help with some step, please help him hyung."
OMG!!! I swear this felix is gonna die by my hands. That little sunshine shouted and ran away from the dance studio.
"Yeah sure felix" I became nervous when minho hyung answered felix with a smirk stretching on his face.

"It's o-ok hyung I can manage" shit why did I shutter. "Its ok pup, I can help you." I turned and chugged down the water from my water bottle hoping that he didn't see my tomato red face.

Minho's pov ;

Cute. That is the only thing I can think of when he turned to hide his red face. I can't resist the urge to kiss him senselessly when he is looking so cute with his red face.

I was hoping to spend some lone time with seungmin, since everyone was practicing hard for our comeback but thanks to felix for giving us this opportunity. Yes. I have a huge crush on the puppy like looking boy. I just wanna hide him in my arms from the world and shower him with all my love. I love him so much.

I was really surprised and happy when I heard felix talking about seungmin having a crush on me to hyunjin. That's when I decided to make him mine. Gosh! I really love him so much.

"Hyung, hyung, can we start our practice?" I came back from my thoughts by hearing seungmin's shy voice. I resisted myself from pinching his red cheeks.

"Ahh yes seungmin we can start our practice." He blushed making me fall for him even more. I played the music and started to dance with him.

Seungmin's pov ;

This hyung definitely knows how to make people flustered. He looked so cute, lost in his own thoughts. Soon we started to practice together.

I refrained myself from staring at him dancing so gracefully. His moves are so perfect and neat. Everthing was going smoothly until there was a hand movement which I didn't get it properly.

Minho's pov ;

Such a smooth dancer he is. His movements are unique and cute. We kept on dancing until I saw him struggling with a hand movement. So I decide to help him.

I went near him and stopped him. "Seungminnie this how you are suppose to do it. Wait I'll show you." I said and held his hands. I smirked feeling his fast breathing and looked at him only to see him blushing and staring at my hand which was holding him.

I slowly bought my other hand around his waist and held him. "Hyung" he whispered. "This is how you do it pup." I said and slowly breathed in his scent.
I smiled seeing him shudder under my touch.

I gently placed tiny kisses along his neck feeling his breath hitch. "H-hyung w-what are y-you doing?" I smirked seeing him shutter badly. "Nothing pup just showing you how much I love you" I said and started to kiss his neck towards his cheek.

"Y-you l-l-love me?" He asked breathing heavily. "Hey it's ok pup relax, just breathe with me." I comforted him sensing his nervousness.

Seungmin's pov ;

OMG! Somone pinch me! Minho hyung loves me!!! My mind was blank after hearing his confession. I started to hyperventilate because it felt unreal to me. Hyung whispered sweets things in my ear making me relax which I am thankful for.

"Pup" I nodded and blushed hearing the nickname.
"I have liked you for a long time baby. I was in ecstasy when I heard felix talking to hyunjin about your crush on me. I didn't mean to hear it but I was just passing and I heard my name so I happened to hear it. Anyways, I really love you so much. I want to hold you in my arms. I want to cuddle you everyday. I want to console you when you are on your lowest. I want to share your sorrows and happiness. I want to stand by you not only in happiness even in your sorrows-".

Minho's pov ;

My speech was interrupted when seungmin suddenly kissed me. I moaned in the kiss feeling him softly nibbling my lips. I felt his tears running down between our cheeks. I pulled away from the kiss and wiped his tears.

"Please pup don't cry." I said wiping his tears. "I love you too hyung. Even I have been loving you for a long time. But I was afraid of being rejected. Wait let me finish." He said when I was about to intrept him. I nodded and listened to him with a smile.

"You seemed to be too perfect for me hyung, so I was afraid to confess to you. But felix gave me some courage to talk about my feelings to you. I was planning to talk to you today but you bet me in that." He ended his speech with a cute pout. I just couldn't resist and loudly pecked his pout. I cooed when he blushed and hugged me.

"I love you hyung" he whispered cutely making me crush him in my arms. I will protect this baby for lifelong. "I love you more than you think pup", "No hyung I love you more!" I chuckled when he argued back. "Ok ok fine we both love each other so much." He giggled cutely melting my heart.

I raised his head from my neck and slowly bought my lips near him and asked him, "Can I pup?" I smiled when he cutely nodded his, closing his eyes blushing red. I connected our lips and kissed him slowly pouring my love into it. We ended our kiss feeling out of breathe. He cutely smiled and hugged me. I hugged him back and pecked his head.

"Pup" "Hmm" he hummed still hugging me. "Let's go to home ok? We don't want chan hyung to worry about us right?" He nodded his head and got our bags from the couch.

Both of them walked to their dorm hand in hand, hearts filled with love, smile stretching on each of thier faces and silently thanking the sunshine for this situation.


This was my first ever oneshot🥺

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