[𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞] ❝𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐬❞

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Little: Seungmin

Caregivers: Changbin (appa), Felix (papa)

This is a littlespace chapter. If anyone isn't comfortable with this concept then skip this :)


Seungmin whined feeling the sun rays hitting his face. He dragged his hand along the bed searching for his appa and papa, but couldn't find anyone on the bed. He woke up in his little headspace.

Unlike the other littles, seungmin is a very calm little. Without crying he got out of the bed and reached the door, opening it, he went to chan's room which was two rooms away from his.

His appa has always said to reach out to the hyungs when they are not available.

He reached chan's room and knocked on it. Since he didn't get any reply he opened it and went inside to see chan working on his laptop with headphones on.

He waddled to chan and tapped on his thigh. Chan turned to this action and was surprised to see seungmin standing there, rubbing his eyes cutely making grabby hands towards him.

Chan swear he could frame this sight and watch it forever. Chan picked him up and made him settle on his lap. Seungmin was facing chan and hugging him.

"Channie hyungie?" Minnie called out the older.

"Yes baby" chan hummed.

"Appa, papa where?" Chan cooed and answered him,

"They went to the store to buy your favorite icecream baby." Minnie eyes sparkled on the mention of icecream.

"Yayyy" chan cooed at seungmin's excitement.

"Channie, nini?" Minnie asked feeling hungry. Chan cooed loudly making the little whine and hide his face in chan's neck.

"Is baby hungry? Ok baby let's go and make baby's favorite pancake ok?" Chan chuckled when minnie nodded his head squealing loudly at the mention of pancakes. He picked him up and settled him in his hips and went to the living room.

He placed him on the couch, turning on the tv. Minnie gasped when his favorite show was playing.

"Channie see little pony" Minnie giggled clapping his hands. Chan awed internally seeing him and kissed his forehead.

"You watch little pony baby, while I make your pancakes ok?" Minnie nodded his head and leaned on the couch watching little pony happily.

"Wow, look who we have here, is my twinkles little today?" Jeongin who came to the living room since he was bored in his room, was excited seeing little minnie.

Seungmin is well behaved when he is in his little space. So he was everyone's favorite. And Jeongin is his favorite hyung.

"Inniieeeeee" Minnie cutely squealed when he saw his favorite hyung.

"Awwe minnie is the cutest baby isn't he?" Jeongin said picking up minnie, placing him in his lap. Minnie blushed and hugged jeongin. Chan smiled at the two maknaes and went to make the little's pancake.

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