101 Dalmatians Prologue

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This story begins with a blue screen came and a castle came in a flash, showing the words 'Walt Disney Pictures' below before the screen turns black. Now this tale is about a huge family of Dalmatians... but it's also about a little fox named Tommy. Now Tommy wasn't always a fox, he was once a normal little human boy, until he ran into a trio of strangers that had magic powers. They offered him a deal that he can have a chance of having fun at a place called Pleasure island. Unaware that the any child goes there gets turned into an animal, in Tommy's case, a fox. And the spell not only takes away his family's memories of him, but it also means his own soul will belong to the strangers, much to his shock and horror. The now fox boy had no choice but to make a run for it as the trio of strangers were really Demon dragons, which were demons with the appearance of dragons that carry pitch forks, and they have a thing of stealing souls, especially the souls of children. The fox ran as far away as he can from the demon trio, until he ends up on a ship that takes him to London, he ended up in Regents park, hiding in the bushes while crying that he was now all alone and no longer human for the rest of his life. The poor thing feared that he will be alone forever, but all that changed when a pair of Dalmatians came to the park, and that's where this story begins.

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