Captured again

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It was nighttime when the puppies at the barn were fast asleep, and that was when a Kanine Krunchies truck came to the scene. Turns out that the Demon trio were the ones driving it and took a peek inside the barn to see the puppies. SpaceWarp: "T-they're all inside... but why did we stole a d-dog food truck... w-when we got Cerberus?" ScreamClaw: "Because he's still recovering from what happened last time." ThunderSmacker: "And besides, the truck will lure those mutts here." SpaceWarp: "Um... h-how?" ScreamClaw: "Allow me to show you." said the red demon dragon, before he turns on some music from the truck, waking up the puppies who had a hungry look on their faces. All: "Kanine Krunchies!" shouted the puppies, before they all ran inside the truck, and the trio shut the doors, trapping the pups inside. ScreamClaw: "See?, piece of cake." at least that's what he thought, before Nanny came to the scene. Nanny: "You three again!, let those poor puppies go, or I'll knock the stupid out of both of you!" threatened Nanny, while holding a frying pan, ready to hit the trio if they make any moves. ThunderSmacker: "Oh great... almost forgot about her..." SpaceWarp: "Run!" shouted the black Demon dragon, before he and the other two were being chased by Nanny. The group then fell into a mud pit full of pigs, and the they were slipping on some mud until they all collided into one another. ScreamClaw: "Alright... that's it!, I just about had enough of this!" said the red demon dragon, before having Nanny all tied up and trapped her in a well to make sure she does not interfere anymore. ThunderSmacker: "There, that outta keep her out of our scales." once the trio left the well, Sergeant Tibbs and the Coronal went there. Tibbs: "We gotta get her out of there." Coronal: "Well blast it all Tibbs, on the double man, on the double!" Tibbs: "Yes sir!" while Tibbs and Coronal try to get Nanny out of the well. The Demon trio arrive to the warehouse and puts the cages of the puppies inside. Cruella: "Your Muse has returned." Lars: "But I'm a failure... you should despise me..." said Lars, before he hits his head against a pipe as the Demon trio puts the cages down. Cruella: "Oh stop being such a wet blanket and see what I brought for you." Lars: "A gift for me?, how very Christmas morning with the twinkling lights of you." Cruella: "The gift of inspiration!" said Cruella, as Lars opens up the cage and the puppies cower back as he grabs Penny. Lars: "Of course, these are only... the most adorable little puppies I've ever seen in my life!" The puppies start to relax a bit as Lars gently strokes Penny. Lucky: "I don't think he's like Cruella at all..." said Lucky, as the villains looked at each other in confusion. Lars: "Look at these cute little darlings, and who is this little one? [he checks the collar] Penny, oh, what a beautiful name for a beautiful little puppy like you." ThunderSmacker: "Must be a puppy lover..." said the blue demon dragon to the others, while Penny licks Lars on the cheek. Lars: "Did you see that?, Penny gave me a little kiss! Oh, I could cuddle you all! [he grabs two more puppies, Lucky & Rolly with Penny] you want me to paint a picture of these adorable little puppies, oh, it's the best idea ever!, it makes me smile a lot." Cruella: "Painting of them, he says... no, no, no, Lars, I don't want you making art 'of the puppies, I want you to make art 'with' the puppies, Use their furs as canvases. [the puppies and Lars immediately look uncomfortable] create a masterpiece of a new medium, together, you and I will stun the art world with our ruthless originality." Lars: "But, that means... [gasps as he holds the 3 puppies protectively] how could you do such a thing to the cute little puppies?!" ScreamClaw: "Poison them." ThunderSmacker: "Drown them." SpaceWarp: "B-bash them on the head." Cruella: "Yeah what they said." Lars: "I may be eccentric, but, I am not... A SICKO!" Cruella: "What?!" Lars: "You will not dare hurt one spot of these innocent creatures, not if I have anything to say about it!" before he could do anything, ScreamClaw hits the painter on the head with his pitch fork, knocking him out cold. When Lars woke up, he finds himself tied to one of his canvases with a gag over his mouth and sees that Lucky, Rolly & Penny are back in their cage. Cruella: "I thought you were a man of visions, who understood my passions, who understood the complexity that is Cruella, does no one get the point?!" said Cruella, before she throws scalpels that narrowly miss him. Cruella: "You're such a disappointment, Lars... oh well, if I can't have my masterpiece, I can at least have my coat... that's just about as good." this only made Lars to gulp, thinking about the fate of the poor puppies.

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