101 Dalmatians Bloopers

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The scene starts with Boney 10 standing in front of an audience. Boney 10: "Hello folks, and welcome to the 101 Dalmatians remake bloopers and outtakes, yes, we didn't get it right the first time, but it was still funny enough to show... well, enjoy." said Boney 10, before the camera turns on and rolls the film. The first scene is when Pongo was trying to turn the clock hands forward, only for it to have a cuckoo bird to pop out, much to the dalmatian's surprise. Director: "Cut!, can someone change clocks?" asked the director as Pongo and Roger laugh a little. The scene then changes to when Cruella was driving her car to the Radcliffe house, only for it to crash right into the window. Director: "Cut!, that was not part of the script!" Tommy: "I told ya that woman was a crazy driver." the scene then changes to when the dalmatians and Tommy were watching the Thunderbolt show, and Dirty Dawson was laughing, right before he started to burp and hiccuping a few times, making everyone to laugh. Director: "Cut!, somebody cure his hiccups & burps please." the scene then changes to when the Demon trio and Cerberus were about to make their move on stealing the puppies. SpaceWarp: "W-well it's just... I've b-been thinking..." ScreamClaw: "You've been thinking?!, now look SpaceWarp, I am the brains here, in fact I am a doctor!" ThunderSmacker: "A doctor?, since when were you a doctor?" ScreamClaw: "They don't just hand these out to anybody you know." said ScreamClaw, before showing the other demons what looked like a certificate of ScreamClaw being a doctor... with a price tag on it. ThunderSmacker: "Anyone with 15$ it seems." ScreamClaw: "That's enough looking!" Director: "Cut!" the scene then changes to when Jokey & Jokeo heard the Twilight bark. Jokeo: "I don't believe it..." Jokey: "Yeah... 15 spotted poodles stolen?" Director: "Cut!, you were supposed to say puddles." Jokey: "But I thought they were dogs?" Director: "Never mind..." the scene then changes to when Cruella was talking to the Demon trio about what to do with the puppies. SpaceWarp: "H-how are are we g-gonna do it?" Cruella: "Anyway you want with them, poison them, drown em'... oh dang it I forgot my line!" this made the demon dragons and the puppies to laugh, much to the director's annoyance. Director: "Cut!" the scene then changes to when the Demon trio came out of the remains of the De Vil place after the dalmatians made their escape. ScreamClaw: "I'll skin every last one of those (dolphin chirp!) hyenas if it's the last (dolphin chirp!) thing I (dolphin chirp!) do!" this made SpaceWarp to gasp in shock. SpaceWarp: "ScreamClaw!, this is Disney story!... y-you can't curse in one!" ThunderSmacker: "He uh... has a point." ScreamClaw: "Oops... sorry." Director: "Cut!" the scene then changes to when Tibbs and Captain were about to send the trio flying into the wall, only to kick them in a certain spot between their legs by mistake. ScreamClaw: "Oh~!, me lucky demon charms~!" ThunderSmacker: "That was... a cheap shot..." SpaceWarp: "Ow..." Tibbs: "Sorry..." Director: "Cut!, can someone help them please?" the scene changes to when the puppies cover were blown, only Lucky was now completely white and without fur, much to the poor puppy's embarrassment. Director: "Cut!, can someone give Lucky some fur regrow shampoo?" the scene then changes to when the car chase was over and Cruella was yelling at the trio. Cruella: "You idiots!... y... you fools!... oh what's my last line again~?!" this only made the trio to laugh. Director: "Cut... again!" the scene then changes to when Roger was playing his Dalmatian plantation song, and Tommy was dancing around before accidentally knocking over the camera. Tommy: "Oops... sorry guys." Director: "Cut..." it was then that the film was over and Boney 10 come over. Boney 10: "Well that all for the Bloopers for now, until next time..." that was when the whole cast for the story comes over and wave their hands to the readers. All: "Bye!"

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