The second Twilight Bark and the painful truth

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In the cages, the puppies are distressed. Penny: "Whatever are we gonna do?!" Lucky: "The same thing that saved us last time... the Twilight Bark." Rolly: "Are you really sure that's gonna work?" Lucky: "It's our only chance right now, I just hope someone will be able to hear us." Penny: "If we all bark together, maybe someone will." Lucky: "Then let's do it." The puppies all take deep breaths and bark for all they were worth. It's thankful for them that a small gray dog is out on a walk with her human. She spins around and gets her owner to let go of the leash. The gray dog jumps on top of a news stand, giving it all she had. The bark carried out through the city to a sheep dog being bathed by two children. The sheep dog bolts through the house, knocking over some furniture, causing the parents of the children to yell out in shock before the sheep dog got to a window to bark the message. The message is received by a bulldog digging in his pet's yard, retrieving a bone. He listens closely before dropping his bone on the ground and passing the message on while a double decker bus drives by. His barks are heard by a dachshund on the bus. The dog bounces over many surprised passengers before she reaches the end of the bus to bark out the message. The message reaches a hound dog on a barge. He lets out a long, loud howl, the same howl that he used for the audition of Thunderbolt. The message reaches the chihuahua from the audition. The chihuahua barks into the phone, much to the woman's surprise. On the other end, the message reaches a pair of great Danes. Both dogs pull on their owner's leashes and spread the word in opposite directions. Meanwhile, Tommy, Patch and Cadpig were still with Thunderbolt, who was feeling a little down. Thunderbolt: "I just don't understand, we've been out here doing hero stuff all day and no photographers seem to care..." Patch: "Why do you want photographers around?" Cadpig: "Yeah, is it really important for a hero to have pictures?" Tommy: "Or something else?" Thunderbolt: "Oh well... look kids... there's something I need to tell ya... something I should have told ya a long time ago... the truth is..." suddenly, Tommy and the pups hear the Twilight bark and try to hear better. Tommy: "Hey listen!, there's an emergency!" Thunderbolt: "Yeah... it sounds like a kidnapping... of 101 dalmatians... by a devil woman?... hey didn't you say that you're a family of 101?" Patch: "That is our family..." Tommy: "Cruella must have gotten them again!" Thunderbolt: "Cruella?" Cadpig: "The devil woman!, she's the one who kidnapped us before!" Tommy: "Oh this is awful... what are we gonna do...?" Patch: "Wait a second... Thunderbolt!, you'll help us... right?" Thunderbolt: "Oh well that's what I wanted to tell ya... you see I'm not really..." Cadpig: "Please... we need you..." said Cadpig, making the biggest and cutest puppy dog eyes she can make. Thunderbolt: "Of course I'll help kids... hey... the world famous Thunderbolt saves the world famous 101 dalmatians... sounds like a good story to me." Tommy: "Yeah it does I guess, but we better hurry, there's no telling how much time we have." Thunderbolt: "Don't worry, the villains will soon cringe in fear, cause mighty Thunderbolt is here!" said Thunderbolt, before he lets out a mighty heroic bark that can be heard throughout the whole city, letting every dog know that help was on the way for the puppies. It didn't take long for Little Lightning to hear the news, and he was not happy. Little Lightning: "Oh no... what if he gets lucky and succeeds and if the press got word of it... I'll never be rid of him..." said Little Lightning, before he uses his nose to touch a phone and tries to dial a number. Elsewhere in the city, Thunderbolt, Tommy, Patch and Cadpig arrive to the warehouse where the other puppies were being held. Thunderbolt: "This must be the place..." Tommy: "Yeah... wait... [he begins to sniff the air] I smell... oh no..." Patch: "What is it?" Tommy: "It's the Demon trio... they're inside the warehouse!" Cadpig: "Not those monsters..." Thunderbolt: "Demon trio?" Tommy: "Yeah... demons from the underworld... real ones." Thunderbolt: "You mean... demons are real?" Patch: "Oh yeah, guess there hasn't been an episode where you face those yet huh?" Thunderbolt: "Hmm... I'll have to make a note on that..." Cadpig: "How are we gonna get up there?" Tommy: "Use your ears to fly up there and get the ladder down." Cadpig: "Oh yeah, good idea." said Cadpig, before she did what Tommy said and soon the ladder came down. Thunderbolt: "Uh... how does she do that?" Patch: "I don't really know myself... and I've known her my whole life." said Patch, before he and the others climbed up to the top and see through a window that the other dalmatians were in cages, guarded by the Demon trio. Thunderbolt: "Wow... they sure are ugly." Tommy: "You could say that again." that was when a shadow came over them, and hits them on the head with a pitch fork. Turns out it was SpaceWarp who hit them, and picks them up before vanishing and reappearing in front of Cruella and the other demon dragons. Cruella: "Well what have we here?, the two missing puppies, how nice of them to join us." ScreamClaw: "And the famous Thunderbolt too, so he was coming here, just like how our informant told us." Cruella: "And now I have them all!" said the devil woman with an evil laugh, before the demon dragons put them in their own cage, just as they were waking up. Patch: "Ow... my head..." Thunderbolt: "That hurt... that really hurt!" Cadpig: "What happened?" Lucky: "The Demon dragons knew you were coming, and caught you by surprise." Tommy: "But how?" Penny: "Ask that traitor over there." said Penny with an angry tone in her voice, glaring at Little Lighting, much to Thunderbolt's surprise. Thunderbolt: "Little buddy?, you told them?" Little Lightning: "I am not your little buddy!, and you are no wonder dog, these kids trusted you and look where it has gotten them." Patch: "What's he talking about?" Little Lightning: "He's been lying to you kids all day long, he only wanted to help you so he can get his name on the paper, and save his job." Tommy: "What?" Thunderbolt: "No!... well yeah... but that was..." Little Lightning: "Hey genius!, you're no hero!, you're a fraud!, I had enough of living in your large shadow all the time!, sick of being second!, and sick of you taking all the credit of saving the day when it was me doing it!... and by the way... there never was a plan to replace you, I just told you that to get you out of the way." Tommy: "But what about the puppies?!, if you leave us here, they'll..." Little Lightning: "Sorry kid, but I can't leave any witnesses of my connections with the demon dragons, now I better be off to get ready for tomorrow's show... my show!" said Little Lightning with an evil laugh, before leaving the building as the sky began to rain. Patch was feeling heart broken, beginning to believe what Lightning said was true. Patch: "Thunder... I don't understand... you lied to me... to us?" Thunderbolt: "It was an act, I'm an actor, it's my job." Cadpig: "But what about the junior deputy test?" Thunderbolt: "Well... I made it up to convince you on helping me on remembering what happens on the show." Tommy: "But you said you'll help us..." Patch: "You promised!" Thunderbolt: "Kids... I'm sorry... I'm not a real wonder dog... I just act like one..." Patch was now all heartbroken, his image of Thunderbolt has been shattered before his very eyes as the sky continues to rain throughout the night.

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