A ride home

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As they continue their journey home, a snow storm hit the area and the puppies were having a hard time keeping up with the Pongo pair. Speaking of which, Perdita was leading the puppies while Pongo was at the far end of the line to make sure not to miscount them. Pongo: "94, 95, 96... 97, 98... oh Lucky." said Pongo, as he sees that Lucky was standing on the snow, feeling very cold and tired. Jokey placed the little puppy on his back to carry him while Jokeo helps out the pair. Jokey: "Hang on little buddy." Lucky: "I-I'm trying... but I'm so tired and hungry... and my whole body is so... cold..." Gidget: "Ah... ah... achoo!, we'll need a miracle to get out of this..." suddenly, the storm stopped like how it came so suddenly, and that was when a figure came before the group. The stranger looked like an elder Demon dragon with a cane. Pongo and Perdita believed he was working for the trio, before Tommy takes a look at him. Tommy: "Bonny 10?, is that you?" asked Tommy, looking at the demon dragon elder who was indeed Boney 10 (voiced by Mel Brooks), the one who helped Tommy and his friends escape from Pleasure island. Boney 10: "I see you kids made it out of the seas alive." Perdita: "So you're the one who helped Tommy?" Boney 10: "Yes... for you see not all demon dragons are bad like the trio, and I have a soft spot for little kids, anyway, I have a ride home for you all." Pongo: "A ride home?!, Perdita, did you hear that?!" Perdita: "For all of us?" Rolly: "You mean we don't have to walk anymore?" Boney 10: "That's what I'm hoping for, now come on, we better hurry." Perdita: "Come on children." Jokeo: "Say Boney, was it you who stopped the storm?" Boney 10: "Yes, it'll be easier for you getting to Dinsford that way." Pongo: "Dinsford?" Boney 10: "Yes, there's a moving van I have that can carry you to London." said Boney 10, before he and the others went to a dilapidated shed, looking out at a window to see the moving van. Unfortunately, Cruella and the Demon trio were there too. Perdita: "Oh no... there's Cruella!" Pongo: "Yes... along with the Demon trio as well." Perdita: "Oh Pongo... how are we gonna get to the van now?" Pongo: "I don't know... but somehow we got to." Tommy then sees some soot on the ground, and then an idea came to into his head. Tommy: "Say... I got an idea!" said Tommy, before he went and roll all over the soot until he was all black. Perdita: "Tommy?, what on earth..." Tommy: "Look!, I'm a Labrador!, we'll all roll in the soot to look like Labradors!" Boney 10: "Say, that is an idea!" Pongo: "He's right, it might just work, so come on kids, roll in the soot." Patch: "Did you hear that sis?, dad wants us to get dirty." Cadpig: "Yeah, he never lets us do that before." Penny: "Mother, should we?" Perdita: "Well... if it means getting us home safely, then do as your father says." Lucky: "This will be fun!" Jokey: "Yeah, I always like to to play in the mud, but this works too." Jokeo: "Hey wait for me!" said the twins, before they and all the other puppies went to get themselves covered in soot to look like Labradors. Boney 10 then used some magic to look like a real Labrador himself, before leading some of the puppies outside and load them into the van. SpaceWarp: "Hey guys... d-do you think that they would disguise themselves?" ThunderSmacker: "Oh come on SpaceWarp, I told you before that dogs aren't that smart!" ScreamClaw: "And yet they were smart enough to get away from you idiots." ThunderSmacker: "Hey you let them get away too!" ScreamClaw: "I did not!" that was when Cruella came up to the trio. Cruella: "Well?" ScreamClaw: "Oh come on miss." SpaceWarp: "We're frozen to the bone!" ThunderSmacker: "We've been searching all day and had nothing to eat." Cruella: "They're somewhere in this village and we're gonna find them, now get going!" shouted Cruella, as she continues her search for the puppies, unaware that they were being loaded in Boney 10's moving van. That was when the disguised elder Demon Dragons sees Pongo and Perdita bringing more of the puppies into the van. Boney 10: "Better get on board miss." Perdita: "Thank you." the last group had Tommy, the Hyena twins, Gidget, Patch, Cadpig and Lucky, being lead by Pongo. But then the devil woman's car came up in front of them, and they were slowly walking passed it with the look of nervousness on their faces. Patch: "She's watching us..." Pongo: "Keep going... keep going..." said Pongo quietly, before some water droplets from some icicles hanging on a roof, washing away to soot. Cruella: "It can't be... it's impossible..." said Cruella, before looking at her viewing mirror to see the moving van full of the puppies inside. Then a black of snow fell from a roof and landed on Lucky, exposing his true colors. Tommy: "Run for it!" Gidget: "Hurry!... achoo!" said the fox and pink cat, before running for their lives with Pongo and the others from the devil woman, who now knows what's going on. Cruella: "There they are!, in that van!, after them!" shouted Cruella, before Boney 10 started the van and drove off as soon as Pongo and the others got on board in time. Tommy: "Hold on everyone!" All: "Holding on!" shouted the puppies, as the van droves off to the open road. Cruella and the Demon trio were not too far away, as they began their chase for the van. Cerberus takes the trio to a road that goes to a hill while Cruella drives in the road where the moving van went. Perdita: "Pongo!, there she is!, Cruella!" shouted Perdita, as Cruella drives her car to the side of the moving van, trying to push it off the road. Boney 10: "Hey lady!, have you completely lost her mind?!, you're gonna kill us all!... well maybe not me due to being immortal... but that's beside the point!" Cruella: "I will have that dalmatian coat if it's the last thing I do!" Gidget: "Tommy!, look!... Achoo!" shouted Gidget, as she sees the Demon trio riding on Cerberus running down the hill, heading towards them. ScreamClaw: "Yes my dear Cerberus!, charge!" SpaceWarp: "W-wait a minute guys!, this could end badly!" ThunderSmacker: "Eh nothing to it!, we just give a little nudge, ah, ha, ha, and send them to the cliff!, ha, ha!" Patch: "This is bad!, they're gonna ram us!" Cadpig: "Daddy, do something!" Pongo: "I wish that I could..." ScreamClaw: "Ah, ha!, time to end those mongrels!, like that big eared piglet next to the bigger pair!" Cadpig heard this and steam came out of her ears as a sound of a train whistle was heard. Cadpig: "Are you talking to me...?" this made everyone besides the stray puppies, hyena pair and Gidget to take a step back away from the angry Cadpig. Tommy: "Uh oh... he called her a piglet..." Jokey: "Yeah so?" Cadpig: "Are you talking to me...?" Patch: "He shouldn't have done that." Cadpig: "Are you talking to me?!" Pongo: "Now they're in for it." Cadpig: "The name's... Cadpig~!" shouted Cadpig, before flapping her ears to make her fly somehow, and flew right in front of the trio and starts biting them like a storm. ScreamClaw: "Ow, ow, ow!, get off me!" SpaceWarp: "Since when... c-can p-p-puppies fly?!" ThunderSmacker: "Who cares?!, look out!" shouted the blue demon dragon, as Cerberus was now running towards Cruella instead. They tried to dodge but it was too late, as the demon dog and car crashed into one another, causing both to fall over the edge and crashed into the ground. Cadpig was now falling, but was rescued by Tommy as he grabbed her paw just in the nick of time. Tommy: "Are you okay?" Cadpig: "Yeah... thanks Tommy..." said the little puppy, before she went to give the fox a big hug, then does the same with Patch. Cadpig: "Don't worry Patch, you're still my favorite big brother." Patch: "Sure thing sis." said Patch, as the moving van drives away from the scene, leaving Cruella to have a fit while the Demon trio tend to their injured demon dog. Cruella: "You idiots!... you fools!... oh you imbeciles!~..." ScreamClaw: "Oh shut up!" said ScreamClaw, as he and the other demons help Cerberus get back on his feet, paying no attention to the now crying devil woman.

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