Reunited at last

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Once the Pongo pair came back to the farm, they were finally reunited with their little puppies, who were also very happy to see their big fox brother figure again too, and Tommy was happy too. The sight of the family reunited warmed up the hearts of those around them, it even made the hyena twins to cry a bit. Gidget: "I'm so happy for you all... achoo!" Jokey: "Got a cold huh?" Gidget: "Yeah, but I'll manage... achoo!" Penny: "So Tommy... how come you never told us that you had a girlfriend?, or that you were human?" this made Tommy to pause for a moment. Tommy: "Did Gidget told you that?" Penny: "Yes, so why didn't you tell us?" Lucky: "And how was that possible?" Tommy: "Um... well... you remember the Demon dragons right?" Patch: "We just escaped from them, so yeah." Tommy: "Well... some time before I met your parents... I was a normal human boy... with only 3 friends... Gidget and Jokey & Jokeo over there." said Tommy, looking at the hyenas, who waved their paws to their friend before the fox continues his story. Tommy: "One day, we met a trio of strangers who promised us a place where we can do whatever we want without our parents getting in the way... a place called Pleasure island..." Gidget: "We had... a lot of fun there at first... achoo!" Jokey: "Until we began to noticed that our bodies were changing..." Jokeo: "Yeah, turns out the island had some magic that turns kids into certain animals, most became donkeys, but in our case, hyenas, a pink cat and a fox." Tommy: "And the strangers turned out to be... the Demon trio, who tricked us to go to that island to make us their slaves..." Gidget: "The spell also made our families lose all their memories of our existence... it was terrible... achoo!" Pongo and Perdita came over to the group and rubbed their heads on them to cheer them up, before the original 15puppies decided to do the same in order to comfort them. Cadpig: "So uh... how did you escape?" Tommy: "Well there was a demon dragon who was not evil like the trio... his name was Boney 10." Gidget: "He helped us get to a boat in order to allow us make our escape, but then a storm came and we got separated... until now." Lucky: "Those rotten lizards... how dare they do such a terrible thing to our big brother..." Penny: "No kidding, if I was a grown up, I outta teach them a lesson!" Tommy: "Guys... you don't think I'm a freak?" Patch: "Of course not, you're our big brother, you're part of our family." this only made Tommy's heart to feel warm as some tears of joy started to come down from his eyes. Tommy: "Thank you... everyone." Pongo: "Anyway, everyone here?, all 15?" Patch: "Well yeah... except there's 99 of us now." Pongo: "What?, 9... 99?" said Pongo, before turning around to see that there were a lot of other puppies besides the 15. Tommy: "Wow... where did they all come from?" Gidget: "Cruella bought them from pet shops." Perdita: "But what would she want with so many of them?" Penny: "She was gonna make coats out of us!" this made the group to gasp in shock and horror. Perdita: "She couldn't!" Tibbs: "She's right, I heard her said it myself." Lucky: "Yeah, the Demon trio were gonna bash us on the head and steal our souls, and then skin us!" Perdita: "They really are demons!, oh Pongo what will we do?" Pongo: "We need to get back to London somehow." Patch: "What about the others?, what will they do?" Pongo: "That's easy, we're taking them with us, there's no way we'll let Cruella and those demons harm them." the other puppies had their tails wagging in joy to hear that. Jokeo: "And me and my bro can help you get back home safely." Jokey: "Will Coronal allow it?" Coronal: "Of course boys, I will feel better if some of my best men help the Pongo family get home." Tommy: "And perhaps London will be a better place to help Gidget with her little cold." Gidget: "Yeah... it probably would... achoo!" that was when Captain sees something coming towards the farm. Captain: "Coronal sir, there's what looks like a big dog heading this way." Tommy climbs up to take a look, and he gasp in shock. Tommy: "It's the demon trio's demon dog!, Cerberus!" Coronal: "Well we probably have it outnumbered, so when I give the signal, we attack." Tommy: "That's a very bad idea, Cerberus is much bigger than any of us, big enough for the Demon trio to ride on." Jokeo: "Yeah, that 3 headed dog can bite steel like it was a stick!" Pongo: "Then we need to make a run for it." Coronal: "Alright then." Captain: "Better hurry, here they come." said Captain, as Cerberus and the Demon trio arrive at the farm. Tommy: "Come on, let's go!" Tibbs: "Good luck everyone!" so with that, the dalmatians, the hyenas, the fox and the pink cat ran off into the snow while the Demon trio went into the barn, searching for their targets. SpaceWarp: "I-I don't see them anywhere." ThunderSmacker: "Maybe they're hiding in the hay, so we'll burn them out." said ThunderSmacker, unaware that he and SpaceWarp were standing right front of Captain's legs. Tibbs: "Ready Captain?, aim... fire 1!" said Tibbs, before Captain used his legs to kick ThunderSmacker on the butt, sending him flying right into a wall. Tibbs: "Fire 2!" said Tibbs once again, as Captain does the same kicking trick on SpaceWarp this time. ScreamClaw: "What are you two doing?!, they're tracks lead this way!" shouted ScreamClaw, as he pulls the other demons out of the wall and began their chase for their targets, but they couldn't find a trace of them other than their tracks, which ends at a bridge. ScreamClaw: "They gotta be around here somewhere..." SpaceWarp: "Y-you think they're hiding on the frozen creek, so not to leave their... t-tracks?" ThunderSmacker: "Oh come on, dogs aren't that smart!" said ThunderSmacker, before he and the other demons got back on Cerberus, leaving the scene as Pongo and the others came out of their hiding place under the bridge, and continued to walk on the frozen creek. Pongo: "That was pretty cleaver of you Tommy, using the creek for us not to leave tracks." Tommy: "Well it was the only thing I could think of in short notice." Patch: "We sure gave them the slip." Cadpig: "Yeah, they didn't even see us." Perdita: "Come on children, we have a long way home." Jokey: "I hope not too far... I would need a lunch break." Rolly: "Me too... cause I'm hungry." Jokeo: "Looks like we got two of them now..." said Jokeo, as he and the others follow the Pongo pair on the ice, trying their best not to slip. When morning came, Cruella was very crossed with the Demon trio for not only failing to skin them like she told them, but also letting them escape on their watch. She was now in her car searching for the puppies before she meets the Demon trio again on Cerberus. Cruella: "Well, any sign of them?" ScreamClaw: "Not so much as one foot print." ThunderSmacker: "And we're freezing here!" SpaceWarp: "C-c-can't we just give up?" Cruella: "Oh no you don't!, we'll find those mongrels even if it takes till next Christmas!, now get going!" shouted Cruella, before she zooms away in her car, leaving Cerberus and the trio get covered in snow, much to their dismay as they hate the cold.

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