15 puppies watching TV

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A few weeks have passed since their birth, and now the puppies finally got their spots. The most noticeable of the puppies were Patch, Lucky, Rolly, Penny & Cadpig. The oldest was Patch (voiced by young Bobby Lockwood), who has a spot around his eye, which gave him the name. The second oldest was Lucky (voiced by Pamela Adlon), who has a spot that was shaped like a horseshoe on his back. The third was Rolly (voiced by Kath Soucie) who was the larges of the puppies due to his big appetite. Next was Penny (voiced by young Kasha Kropinski), who was a bit of a daddy's girl. And finally there was Cadpig (voiced by Kath Soucie), the smallest and youngest of the litter with large ears and loves to spend time with her oldest brother Patch, so wherever Patch was, Cadpig was never too far away. She was called Cadpig cause of her ears and was like a little piglet, but of course while she not into violence, she won't hesitate on attacking anyone that calls her a piglet. (Note: the other puppies in this story will be mentioned, but don't have voices as I can't track on all of them) Right now the dalmatians & Tommy, were watching their favorite show on the TV, Thunderbolt, a wonder dog hero that fights an evil villain known as Dirty Dawson. The episode was showing Thunderbolt chasing Dirty Dawson, who was riding a horse while shooting at the dog with a gun, but keeps missing. Lucky: "Go get him Thunder." Patch: "There's no doubt that Thunderbolt is the greatest dog." Cadpig: "Even better than dad?" Penny: "No dog's better than dad." said Penny, while looking up to her father. Tommy: "What's Thunderbolt gonna do?" Pongo: "Let's just wait and see." said Pongo, as the cartoon shows Dirty Dawson hiding behind the rocks, waiting for Thunderbolt to show up. Patch: "That no good skunk, I like to tear his guts out!" Perdita: "Now Patch, where did you hear such talk?, certainly not from your mother." said Perdita, before looking at Pongo. Tommy: "You think he would teach him that?" Perdita: "Well where did he learn it?" Tommy: "From TV maybe?" Penny: "Watch out Thunder!" yelped Penny, as a gunshot sound was heard, and Thunderbolt was on the ground, not moving at all. Cadpig: "Oh no... he killed Thunder..." Patch: "Don't worry, he missed, old Thunderbolt's pretending... I think..." that was when Dirty Dawson began to chuckle in an evil way, as Thunderbolt opened his eye up a little with a smirk on his face. Patch: "See?, what did I tell you, it's one of his tricks." Tommy: "Hey Lucky get down." said Tommy as Lucky was really close to the TV. That was when the screen showed the face of Dirty Dawson zoomed real close as he laughed out loud in an evil way, which startled Lucky very much, forcing him to bark back at the TV. That was when Thunderbolt got up and pounced on the villain, causing the pair to fell off the edge and into a river. Rolly: "I'm hungry mother... I really am." Perdita: "Now Rolly, you just had your dinner before the show started." Rolly: "But I'm still hungry, so hungry that I could eat... a whole elephant." that was when the announcer of the show told the viewers to not miss next week's episode, before showing a man holding a box of dog biscuits known as Kanine Krunchies, showing that the show was over. Pongo: "Um Perdita, we better get these little ones to bed before we have our... W-A-L-K." of course the puppies were smart enough to know what their dad just said. Cadpig: "Can we join too?, we never get to before." Tommy: "Sorry, but it's late and you guys need the sleep." Perdita: "He's right children, bed time." Patch: "But we're not... [yawning] a bit sleepy..." Penny: "Dad, can we?" Pongo: "You better do what your mother says." Tommy: "Yeah... it's never a good idea to disobey a parent... I learned that the hard way..." Lucky: "What was that?" Tommy: "Nothing..." said Tommy, before he leads the puppies to bed. Pongo: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6... 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13..." Rolly: "I'm not really sleepy, I'm hungry." Pongo: "14... hmm... where's... oh." said Pongo, as he sees that Lucky was standing in front of the TV. Pongo: "Come on son, you should go to bed too." Lucky: "Oh... okay... but can I ask you something?" Pongo: "What is it?" Lucky: "How come Tommy can speak human and yet we can't?" the puppy knew that Tommy was somehow able to talk to humans, unlike he or the others can, but he didn't knew why. Pongo: "Well... let's just say that Tommy is not what you call a really special fox." Lucky: "That makes since, he's a really great big brother to have." Pongo: "Yes... he sure is." said Pongo, before he and Lucky head for the dog basket, where the puppies will sleep. Once the puppies were off to bed, the Radcliffe couple took the dalmatian couple out for a walk for the evening.

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