Fans meeting and burned paintings

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Outside of the trailer, Tommy and Cadpig were doing their best to cheer up poor Patch, when they see a dog with a red carpet on his back, and a mop head on his head, came out of the trailer. Of course it was really Thunderbolt in disguise, trying to sneak away from the public. Thunderbolt: "Ah ha... master of disguise..." Patch: "Hi Thunderbolt!" The dog is briefly scared to the point his cloak flies off. Thunderbolt: "Oh, I'm sorry, you've got the wrong dog, kid." Patch: "I know it's you!, that's the same disguise you wore in episode 18, 'Gambling Gophers of Gunfire Gulch!', of course." Thunderbolt: "Keep it down, you're gonna blow my cover." Tommy: "Don't take it personally, he's a really big fan of yours." Patch: "More like your biggest fan!" Cadpig: "Me too!" Thunderbolt: "Hey wait... aren't you the squeaky toy?" Patch: "Um... well... yeah... that's me..." said Patch with an embarrassed tone in his voice. Thunderbolt: "Listen, pup." Patch: It's Patch!" Thunderbolt: Pooch, whatever, you've got to understand, sometimes, danger and I like to dance alone." Tommy: "What kind of dog is this 'Danger' girl?" Thunderbolt: "Uh... that's not quite what I meant, and also what's a fox doing hanging out with two pups?" Tommy: "Oh that uh... long story..." that was when Thunderbolt sees what looked like a cat on a tree. Thunderbolt: "Oh, good heavens!, that cat is stuck up on that tree!" Cadpig: "He is?" asked Cadpig, while Thunderbolt was having the feel to panic as he didn't had a script to tell him what to do. Tommy: "I think it's those baby birds are the ones in trouble." Patch: "What?" asked Patch, as Tommy points at a nest that had a trio of baby birds chirping, and the coming right to them with a hungry look on it's face. Cadpig: "Oh no!, those baby birds need help!, Thunderbolt, you gotta save them!" Thunderbolt: "Pooch!, please!" Cadpig: "It's Cadpig actually." Thunderbolt: "Whatever, I'm trying to think here!" Patch: "Sorry, I just thought you'd do what you did at Raccoon Ridge, you know, when you got that barrel, rolled it next to the cliff, and you found a long plank of wood and you got a great, big, round boulder and..." while Patch was talking about the episode, Thunderbolt then noticed a trash can, a tall ladder, and a window washer with a big bottom on top, which gave him an idea. Thunderbolt: "Precisely!" said Thunderbolt, before he knocks over a trash can and grabs a ladder, causing a window washer to lose his balance. Thunderbolt: "Hang on little birdies!, help is on the way!... the press is gonna love this..." he said the last part to himself, before the window washer lands on one end of the ladder, causing the other end to send Thunderbolt flying and snaps the branch that the cat was on, causing the feline to fall to the ground, before Thunderbolt lands on top of him. Thunderbolt: "Alright, smile for the cameras! [then noticed that there were no humans with cameras in sight] hey that's strange, where are the photographers?, the press is always around when I do something." that was when Tommy, Patch and Cadpig came over to Thunderbolt. Patch: "You did it!, just like in the show!" Thunderbolt: "That stuff isn't as easy as it looks, I mean, if I could remember what happened in every episode of the show, you know, like squeaky toy here, then I could... said Thunderbolt, before he finds himself under a sign that looks like a light bulb, an idea hits him. Thunderbolt: "Hey, squeaky toy..." said Thunderbolt, as Patch comes over to his idol with his tail wagging. Meanwhile, at some warehouse, Cruella looks through opera glasses at spotted canvases that Lars made. Cruella: "Oh, dear~ it's so divine~!, it's remarkable!, it's stunning!, it's grand!... but it's all wrong." Lars: "B-b-but, it's my best work yet!" Cruella: "I'm afraid you'll have to do better than your best." Lars: "Better?" Cruella: "The spots simply aren't soft enough. Not like something you want to SQUEEZE the life out of!" said Cruella, before lighting a match to burn one of the canvases. Lars: "Your harsh words strike me like blows of a fist from a large dockworker... I would cry now!... were it not so bourgeois~." Cruella: "Not to worry, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again, after all, you're the only one who truly understands Cruella, who can see into her tortured soul." Lars: "Yes!, My heart is like a vast dark ocean on the waves that I am hopelessly adrift on in my dinghy... I shall not betray your faith in me!, I shall create another canvas, and another, and another, until I have finally found spotted perfection!, I will not stop until your craving has been quenched!" said Lars in determination, as he uses a fire extinguisher to put out the fire on the burned away canvas.

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