The Demon trio

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As soon as the dalmatian couple and their owners head off to the park, a large shadow was lurking behind some trees. The owner of the shadow was what looked like a large three head dog with red eyes, which was in fact the demon dog that guards the entrance of the underworld, Cerberus. Riding on top of Cerberus was a trio of demon dragons. The red one was ScreamClaw (voiced by Mark Hamill), the second was ThunderSmacker (voiced by Jim Cummings), and the last one was SpaceWarp (voiced by Frank Welker), and they were the same trio that turned Tommy into a fox some time ago. ScreamClaw: "There they go boys, now's our chance to get what we came here for while they're away." SpaceWarp: "I-I don't know about this ScreamClaw... it's one thing to s-steal a kid's soul, but what our client wants with their bodies is a-another." ThunderSmacker: "Oh come on SpaceWarp, our superior job here will get us plenty of souls." SpaceWarp: "Y-yes I know ThunderSmacker, but I've b-been thinking..." ScreamClaw: "You been thinking?!, come on, I've told you that I'm the brains here, now let's get the job over with." said the red Demon dragon, as he orders Cerberus to walk fight in front of the house where their targets live. ScreamClaw: "Now the only one home right now would be a normal housemaid, just leave her to me." SpaceWarp: "Okay, b-but I still don't like it..." meanwhile inside the house, Nanny was getting the puppies tucked to bed when she and Tommy heard the doorbell ringing. Nanny: "Now who could that be?" Tommy: "Beats me." Nanny: "You wait here." said Nanny, as she opens the door to see the demon trio. ScreamClaw: "Good evening miss, we're from the electric company." SpaceWarp: "I thought we were gonna be the g-g-gas company?" ThunderSmacker: "Shut up!" ScreamClaw: "Pay no attention to them." Nanny: "I don't recall calling any electric company..." that was when Tommy takes a look at who was at the door, and he gasped in shock and horror as he knew who they were. Tommy: "Nanny!, get away from them!, they're demon dragons!" SpaceWarp: "A talking fox?!" ThunderSmacker: "Hey isn't that the brat we trick to coming to Pleasure island but got away?" ScreamClaw: "Shut up!" Nanny: "Wait Tommy... these are the monsters that turned you into a fox...?" Tommy: "Yeah..." ScreamClaw: "Well since you know who we are, there's no holding back now, we got a job to do here so excuse me!" said ScreamClaw, before he breaks down the door and forces his way through with ThunderSmacker and SpaceWarp following him. Nanny: "What's the matter with you?!, you're not laying a finger on the boy or coming in here!" said Nanny, before ScreamClaw grabs her and throws her into Roger's music room and locks the door. As for ThunderSmacker and SpaceWarp, they went into the room where the puppies were and stuffed the little ones into a bag. ThunderSmacker: "We got what we came for, so let's move." Tommy: "Hey!, let them go!" SpaceWarp: "S-sorry, nothing personal, it's j-just business." Tommy: "Well how about I give you some business!, for what you did to me and my friends!" Tommy was about to attack when ScreamClaw hit him on the head with his pitch fork, knocking him out cold. SpaceWarp: "Um... is he dead?" ScreamClaw: "Who cares?, let's get out of here." as soon as the trio got out of the house, Tommy woke up and sees that the puppies were gone. Tommy: "No... this can't be happening... Nanny!" shouted Tommy, before he ran to the music room, trying his best to use a key to open the door. Once he got inside, he sees that Nanny was looking at the window, seeing the Demon trio riding on Cerberus to make their escape. Nanny: "Why those no good ruffians! ... and their... giant three headed dog...?" said Nanny in confusion as she never expected to see something like that. Tommy: "Nanny... the puppies..." Nanny: "What about them?" Tommy: "They... they took them... I couldn't stop them..." said Tommy with tears in his eyes, making Nanny to gasp in shock as she realized what he meant. The house maid ran downstairs to see that what Tommy said was true, the puppies were gone. Nanny: "Oh whatever will we do?!, those horrible monsters stole the puppies!, police help!, somebody help!" Tommy: "Roger!, Anita!, Pongo!, Perdita!, help~!" shouted both Tommy and Nanny in grief as their hearts mourn for this tragic night.

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