101 Dalmatians II Bloopers

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The light came on to the stage, when Boney 10 came to the scene. Boney 10: "Hello folks, and welcome to 101 Dalmatians II bloopers, that's right, just like the first one, we didn't get it right the first time, so please enjoy the bloopers we got here." said Boney 10, before the camera starts rolling, showing the bloopers of 101 Dalmatians II. The film starts with the scene when the puppies were supposed to stamped to the kitchen, but instead came a herd of wildebeests. Director: "Cut!, who brought the cast from the Lion King here?" the scene then changes to when Dirty Dawson was in the car where the bull was... only to see that the bull was too busy smelling a flower. Director: "Cut!, who put Ferdinand in the car?" the scene then changes to when Cruella was looking at the canvas with the single spot and Lars came to the scene. Lars: "Tell me... what do you see?" Cruella: "Everything... darkness and light... chaos and order... uh... what comes after that again?" this made the film crew to laugh before the director yells cut once again. The scene changes to when Roger's piano fell through the floor... and a geyser of oil bursts out. Roger: "Look Anita!, we're rich!, we struck oil!" Anita: "Yeah... and dirty too." Director: "Cut!" the scene then changes to when Cruella said the painting's all wrong. Lars: "But it's my best work yet!" Cruella: "Really?, care to explain why I have a mustache?" asked Cruella, as she points at the canvas, with the painting of herself with a mustache and a beard, causing everyone to laugh. Lars: "Okay... who switched the canvas again?" Director: "Cut!" the scene changes to when the Demon trio came to the barn while driving the Kanine Krunchies truck. Of course for some unknown reason, ThunderSmacker was wearing a dress, causing everyone to laugh. ThunderSmacker: "What's so funny?" SpaceWarp: "Uh... what's with the dress?" asked the black demon dragon, causing the blue demon dragon to look down and gasp in shock as steam came out of his ears. ThunderSmacker: "Okay... who put this dress on me while I was sleeping again?!" Director: "Cut!" the scene then changes to when Lars was tied up and Cruella threw some scalpels at him. One of them hits him, but suddenly popped like a balloon. Director: "Cut!, Cruella, you're supposed to use fake scalpels!" Cruella: "What?, it wasn't like I hit the real Lars." Director: "Oh boy..." the scene then changes to when the bus chase happens, and the vehicles crashed right into not only Little Lightning, but also the camera as well. Director: "Cut!, someone pick up the camera again!" the scene then changes to when Thunderbolt let out his heroic bark, while Patch somehow let out a lion's roar, much to everyone's surprise. Patch: "Uh... that was not supposed to happen... right?" Director: "Cut!" they tried again, only this time, Patch let out the sound of some fog horn, much to his surprise and everyone laughed, even Patch. Director: "Okay cut!" then the scene changes to when Tommy was facing the trio. Tommy: "Demon season!" ScreamClaw: "Puppy season!" Tommy: "Demon season!" suddenly, Daffy Duck (voiced by Mel Blanc), came to the scene. Daffy: "I say it's duck season, and I say fire!" shouted the duck, before ThunderSmacker and SpaceWarp fired a beam from their pitch forks that hits the duck. Once the smoke was cleared, Daffy's bill was off of his face, before he places it back where it came. Tommy: "Uh Mr Daffy sir, this is Disney story, not Warner bros." Daffy: "Now he tells me..." Director: "Cut!" that was when the film ends and the whole cast from the story came on stage. Boney 10: "Well that's the end for 101 Dalmatians bloopers, have a good day everyone." Patch: "May your dreams of being one of a kind come true too!" Cadpig: "Yeah!, just like my awesome big brother!" Tommy: "Yeah, what they said." Gidget: "So long folks!" All: "Bye!"


Well folks, that's the end of this story, I hope you have all enjoyed it, and I hope that you'll all enjoy my other stories as well, bye!

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