The bus chase

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Tommy and the puppies take the fire escape down, and were trying to figure out their next move. That was when Tommy and Patch noticed a parked double decker bus, and an idea came to their heads. Patch: "Come on, we're gonna hitch a ride." Penny: "You mean driving a bus?" Rolly: "Well... we did hitch a ride on Boney 10's moving van." Lucky: "Yeah, but Boney 10's not here." Tommy: "No... but I might have an idea on how to drive." Penny: "But even if you were human, you never drove before." Tommy: "No... but I did once saw a movie that showed living toys driving a pizza delivery van." Patch: "Um... close enough I guess..." Tommy: "Now come on." The puppies started to scramble onboard the bus, unknown to the bus driver. Just then, Cruella & the demon trio, opened the door to the warehouse. Penny: "Here they come!" Tommy: "Hang on!" said Tommy, before he pulls the lever and started the bus to go. Cruella: "There they are!, get them!" it was when Tommy and all the other puppies see that they were about to down a hill, and the bus zoomed down as Cruella gets in the Kanine Krunchies truck, before the Demon trio joined her. The bus was now on flat road, as Cruella and the demon trio give chase in the Kanine Krunchies truck. Lucky: "Ah!, the crazy lady and the demons are right behind us!" said Lucy, as the bus race past a lot of pigeons. SpaceWarp sticks his head out and one of the pigeons flew into his mouth, before spitting it out. Penny: "Ah, ha!, he had a bird in his mouth." laughed Penny, as the other puppies joined in the laughing. Cruella: "Oh you idiots!, here take the wheel!, but not all of you are the same time!" said the devil woman, before she climbs on the front of the truck. The bus then turns around the corner. A micro bus gets between the double decker bus and the Kanine Krunchies truck. The back window of the double decker bus flies open and Rolly are the closest to the window. Cruella: "Speed up!, or we'll lose them!" ScreamClaw: "Gotcha!" as soon as the truck picked up speed, it was now touching both the micro bus and the double decker bus. Cruella walks on top of the micro bus and grabs Rolly by the tail. Cruella: "Ah ha!, that's one!, just 98 and 1 fox to go!" meanwhile, not too far away, the Producer was about to start making the new show, which now stars Little Lightning. Producer: "Okay!, okay!, quiet on the set!, we're rolling!" but just before the show could start, they hear the honking noise of the double decker bus, micro bus, and Kanine Krunchies truck. The three vehicles plow through the set, having the actors and crew members run for cover. Little Lightning screams as he gets flung right into the double decker bus' windshield. Little Lightning: "You again?!" Tommy: "Yeah!, and don't think we forgot what you did!" Cadpig: "Guys!, Rolly needs help!" Patch: "I'll get him!" Tommy: "Be careful!" said Tommy, as Patch races to the top to see what was going on. His eyes widen in horror as ThunderSmacker & SpaceWarp try to grab Rolly from the Kanine Krunchies truck's bonnet. Rolly: "Patch!, help!" Patch: "Hang on Rolly!, I'm coming!" He jumps out the window onto the micro bus where Cruella stood, with the banner from the Thunderbolt Adventure Hour. Cruella: "Well well, if it isn't the half pit hero again." She begins swinging the banner like a whip and Patch sees her as Dirty Dawson with the whip. His eyes widen as an idea hits him. He jumps onto a nearby car, then leaps back onto the micro bus, taking the banner, swinging it all around Cruella, including her mouth. Cadpig: "Wow!, check out Patch!, isn't he like the coolest big brother ever or what?!" Patch then tosses the banner to Rolly, who catches it, and he tosses Cruella into the skylight of the micro bus. The momentum of this causes Rolly to fly from the Kanine Krunchies truck and ThunderSmacker & SpaceWarp grabbed nothing but air. Rolly then hits Patch as both fly back safely onto the bus. Rolly: "Thanks bro!" Patch: "No problem." Tommy: "You were awesome out there!" Cadpig: "Uh... Tommy... if you're here..." Penny: "Then who's driving?" Tommy: "Oops!" yelped Tommy, as the bus hits a lamp post, causing it to roll right into an alley. Lucky: "Hit the breaks!" said Lucky, as Patch pulls the lever and the bus made a stop, just in the nick of time. Patch: "That was too close..." Penny: "But Cruella and the demons are right behind us now!, what are we gonna do?!" Patch: "You lot go up to those windows from the upper deck, I'll hold these guys off... somehow..." Patch scrambles down from the bus while his siblings race up to the upper deck to get to the window. Tommy follows and sees Thunderbolt arriving as the villains close in on Patch. The little dalmatian tries to do his bark, but it still comes out like a squeak. ThunderSmacker: "Was that it?, ha, do it again." Patch tries the bark again, but, just as he's about to squeak, a much deeper bark comes from nowhere, causing the villains to jump back. ScreamClaw: "Huh?!" SpaceWarp: "G-guys... look!" yelped SpaceWarp, as the villains turned around to see Thunderbolt himself. Patch: "Thunderbolt?!" said Patch in surprise, as Thunderbolt turns his head and nods politely at Lars, who was in his car. The human artist drives away, as Thunderbolt comes over to the pup. Thunderbolt: "How are you doing, kid?" Patch: "B-but I thought..." Thunderbolt: "Look... I might not be a real hero... but I can act like one... and I really do want to help you and your family... now let's get rid of these rotten villains." Patch: "Right." He moves around unstably as the villains watch in confusion, while the puppies scramble through the open windows. That was when Cruella grabs one of the demon dragons' pitch forks. Cruella: "Give me that, I'll put this mongrel out of his misery!" She swings it around, but, instead of hitting Thunderbolt, who constantly moves out of the way, she hits the demon trio, knocking them out. Patch is now helping the last few of his siblings up to the window and he sees Thunderbolt trip Cruella up into a trashcan. It was then that Patch, now with all his siblings safely out of harm's way, jumps back down to the bus and releases the brake, putting it in reverse. Thunderbolt hears this, grins and gets up, as he leaps onto the bus and rushes with Patch to the front, both jumping out together. Little Lightning tries to make an escape, before he sees the bus reversing. Once Cruella gets herself out of the trashcan, she sees the bus coming for her and makes a run for it, as the demon trio got up and did the same. The bus of course bumps into the Kanine Krunchies truck, causing to go backwards towards the devil woman and Little Lighting while the Demon trio flew up in the air. They run for the bridge and fall into the water, as the Kanine Krunchies truck crashes through the fence and also lands in the water. Thunderbolt races to the top of a nearby post with Patch and just as the sun is peeking over the horizon, the German shepherd lets out his heroic bark. Patch takes a deep breath and barks twice and his third bark, much to his surprise and delight, sounds strong and firm, if a bit puppy-like at this point. Patch: "I... I did it... I really did it!" that was when Tommy and Cadpig came to the scene. Tommy: "Way to go Patch!" Cadpig: "That's my big brother for ya!" Patch couldn't be happier, he not only got his heroic bark, but managed to become a hero by defeating Cruella.

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