The Twilight Bark

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The news about what happened to the puppies spread like wildfire, in fact it even got on the papers. Cruella De Vil was on her bed reading the papers, with an evil smirk on her face. Cruella: "Oh it serves you right, you fools!, ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" laughed Cruella, before the Demon trio called her on the phone. ScreamClaw: "Alright miss, we kept our half of the bargain, now you keep yours." Cruella: "I told you that you'll get their souls once the job is done for real." ThunderSmacker: "But the news is all over the papers, pictures and all." Cruella: "Hang the papers, it'll be forgotten tomorrow." SpaceWarp: "I-I don't like it... I uh..." ThunderSmacker: "Oh shut up you idiot!" Cruella: "What?!" ThunderSmacker: "Oh not you miss, I mean SpaceWarp here..." Cruella: "Why you imbecile!" said Cruella, before hanging up to try calming herself down. Back with the Radcliffe home, the human and dalmatian couple, along with Tommy, were waiting to hear any news from the police about the puppies, but so far not a word. Tommy: "What's taking the police so long?" Roger: "They're doing their best." Tommy: "Didn't you tell them about what the kidnapers looked like?" Roger: "Well... not exactly, for I doubt that they would believe that my talking fox told me that they were Demon dragons with a giant three headed dog... and I hardly believe it myself." Nanny: "So do I, and I saw them with my own eyes." Anita: "If only we had a clue on why they took them." Tommy: "Maybe for their souls... but I don't recall of them ever meeting them before that night, and Demon dragons only take the souls of those who made a deal with them." Roger: "I'll bet it was Cruella who hired them." Nanny: "I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it was her." Anita: "But what proof do we have?" Tommy: "Well she did say she'll get even and make us sorry." Anita: "But even if it was her, where could she possible be holding them?" Roger: "I don't know..." Anita: "Oh Roger... what will we do...?" said Anita in a sad tone, as Tommy and Pongo walked over to Perdita, who was looking at the basket where the puppies used to sleep in. Pongo: "Perdita... I'm afraid it's up to us now." Perdita: "Oh Pongo... what can we do?" Pongo: "Well... there's the twilight bark." Tommy: "The twilight bark?, what's that?" Perdita: "It's only a gossip chain, but how can that help us?" Pongo: "It's the fastest way to spread the news, if our puppies are anywhere in the city, the London dogs will let us know." Tommy: "Hmm... that just might work, how about we do it tonight when Roger & Anita take you guys on a walk at the park?" Pongo: "That'll be perfect." Tommy: "I'll inform them about the plan, that way it'll be easier for you to let out the message." so when night came, Pongo began to bark at the night sky, but so far no dog has answered. Perdita: "There's no one out tonight, I'm afraid it's too cold." Pongo: "We got to keep trying." said Pongo, before he continues to bark, until he hears a dog barking from a distance, which was a sign that he message was heard. Roger and Anita would have tried stopping Pongo from barking, but since Tommy told them about why they were barking, they let them continue. Roger: "I know that they're trying to collect info on the puppies... but all this barking will keep the whole city up all night." Tommy: "As if I can sleep when the puppies are in trouble..." Anita: "He has a point." and with that, it didn't take long before the dog that heard Pongo to spread the news to the next dog, and the next one. Soon every dog in London heard the news and barked the message all over the city. Later in the night, the news spread to the countryside as well, and somewhere on top of a hill, a pair of hyenas heard the message. Now these hyenas were not normal hyenas, for just like Tommy, they were kids that were tricked by the Demon trio to visit Pleasure island and got turned into animals, in their case hyenas. Their names were Jokey (voiced by Bill Fagerbakke) and Jokeo (voiced by Tom Kenny), and they were surprised to hear the news from London. Jokeo: "Did you hear that Jokey?, the news is from London." Jokey: "Yeah, and 15 puddles got stolen... weird..." Jokeo: "No Jokey!, 15 'puppies' got stolen!" Jokey: "Oh..." Jokeo: "We better report to the Coronal quick." Jokey: "Good idea." so they ran down the hill, and soon made it to Cherry tree farm, where a horse named Captain (voiced by Thurl Ravenscroft), was sleeping until the duo woke him up. Captain: "Huh?, Jokey?, Jokeo?, what's up?" Jokeo: "It's an alert!, we have to report to the Coronal at once!" Jokey: "Yeah!, what my bro said." Captain: "Oh my." that was when a tabby cat named Sergeant Tibbs (voiced by David Frankham) came up to the group. Tibbs: "What's going on." Captain: "It's an alert it seems, report to the coronal at once." Tibbs: "Yes sir, right away sir!" said Tibbs, as he and the hyena twins went to a pile of hay and soon find the Coronal (voiced by J. Pat O'Malley), sleeping under it. Jokeo: "Coronal sir!, wake up, it's an emergency!" Coronal: "Huh?!, what?!, who's there?" Tibbs: "Sergeant Tibbs and Private Jokey & Jokeo reporting sir." Coronal: "Tibbs?, Jokey & Jokeo?, oh yes, now what's the meaning of barging in at this time of the night?" Jokey: "It's an emergency." Coronal: "Oh really?, well why didn't you say so?" Jokeo: "Um, I'm pretty sure we did." Coronal: "Oh really?, well what's the emergency?" Jokeo: "We just word that it's news from London." Tibbs: "Then it must be important." Jokey: "Yeah, 15 spotted puppies were stolen." Captain: "Puppies you say?" Tibbs: "Puppies?, now that I think about it, I heard puppy barking at the De Vil place in the passed few nights." Coronal: "Nonsense, no one has lived there for years." Captain: "Hold on... there's smoke coming from the chimney." said Captain, as he sees smoke coming out of a chimney of an abandoned mansion some distance away. Coronal: "Hmm... strange indeed... well we might as well investigate." so with that, the Coronal, Tibbs and the Hyena twins went off to the De Vil place to investigate, in hopes that they'll find the stolen puppies.

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