101 Dalmatians II Epilogue

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Later on that morning, the police arrived, and it was when the Radcliffe couple, Pongo, Perdita, Gidget and the Hyena twins found the puppies. Roger: "There they are!" Anita: "Oh thank goodness you're all safe." it was when Gidget gave Tommy a big hug and some kisses on the cheek, causing the fox to blush. Gidget: "Oh Tommy... I was so worried about you!" Tommy: "Don't worry Gidget, I'm okay." Jokey: "Oh man... looks like we missed all the fun..." Jokeo: "Yeah... what happened here?, and what's this about Little Lightning being a bad guy?" Tommy: "Oh it's a long story." said Tommy, as some police dogs take Little Lightning away after the puppies told them about what he did to them and Thunderbolt. Little Lighting: "Come on, I'm not really with those creeps, I was just trying to help Thunderbolt, honest, I'm his sidekick!, come on guys!, don't you ever watch TV?!" said Little Lightning, as the police dogs take him away from the scene. Thunderbolt: "Ha, now who's the pathetic ham actor?" Patch: "Yeah." meanwhile, Lars was talking to a human police officer about what Cruella was planning with the puppies. It was not long before the Producer and the film crew came to the scene and they were happy to see Thunderbolt again. Tommy: "Well... that takes care of everything, right Gidget?... uh Gidget?" Lucky: "Hey, where did she go?" Gidget: "Help!" yelped Gidget, as ScreamClaw got a hold on the pink cat, much to everyone's shock. Tommy: "Let her go!" ScreamClaw: "You and your friends had made fools out of us for the last time!, so now say your prayers pups, it's puppy hunting season!" shouted ScreamClaw, as ThunderSmacker and SpaceWarp pointed their pitch forks at Tommy, who then got an idea in his head. Tommy: "Actually... according to the calender.... It's demon hunting season." SpaceWarp: "It... it is?!" ScreamClaw: "That is nothing but a load of bolder dash!, it's puppy season!" Tommy: "Demon season!" ScreamClaw: "Puppy season!" Tommy: "Demon season!" ScreamClaw: "Puppy season!" Tommy: "Puppy season!" ScreamClaw: "Demon season!" Tommy: "Puppy season!" ScreamClaw: "I say it's demon season!, and I say fire boys!" the other two demon dragons shrugged their shoulders, before shooting beams from their pitch forks at their leader. Once the smoke was cleared away, ScreamClaw's head was now a skull with eyeballs, before he snapped his fingers and his face was restored. ScreamClaw: "Okay... very funny... but that was the last joke you'll ever make once we finish you off!" Gidget: "I don't think so." said Gidget, before showing the trio what looked like a stone coin, and the trio took some steps back as they knew what it was. ScreamClaw: "Impossible!, the seal of the ancients?!, the artifact that can allow mortals to control demon dragons?!, how... how did you get that?!" Gidget: "Let's just say a friend of ours gave it to us in case we ever run into you again." Tommy: "May I try it?" Gidget: "Sure." said Gidget, before giving it to Tommy, who had a grin on his face before looking at the trio. Tommy: "Alright, I order you to go back to the underworld where you belong, and never mess with me or my family ever again!, that is my command!" ScreamClaw: "As... you command... curse you fox!" shouted ScreamClaw, as he and his fellow demons were forced to open a portal that send themselves back to the underworld where they belong. Jokey: "That takes care of those guys." Jokeo: "Yeah... but what happened to Cruella?" Lucky: "She's over there." said Lucky, pointing at the devil woman, being taken into a paddled truck. Cruella: "Spots?, ah, ha, ha, ha!, I do see spots... everywhere!, spot, spot!, spots~!" said the now crazy devil woman, as the truck drives her away from the scene. Jokeo: "Huh... I'm surprised that it took her this long to go nuts..." said Jokeo, as Pongo and Perdita came over to their oldest son and youngest daughter. Perdita: "Patch!, Cadpig!, my darling puppies, we were so worried about you." Pongo: "We missed you very much." Patch: "But... you said I was just one out of 101." Pongo: "What?!, when did I ever say such a thing?!" Gidget: "Maybe my psychic powers to show us his memories." said Gidget, as she placed the tip of her tail on Patch's forehead, and showed an image of Patch's memory of the night before the move, including the part when Patch asked the certain question and what Pongo said while sleeping. The adult dalmatian had the feeling of guilt in his heart, before coming over to his son. Pongo: "Patch... I am so sorry... I didn't mean to say that... I was asleep and... can you forgive me?" Patch: "Sure dad... and by the way, this is Thunderbolt, he helped us." said Patch, as he introduce his folks to his idol. Pongo: "I don't know how to thank you for saving my family." Thunderbolt: "Oh don't thank me, it was your son, Patch and the fox boy here, they're the real heroes." Cadpig: "Yeah, they were both amazing!" Rolly: "No kidding!" Penny: "They were as amazing as you dad!" Lucky: "You should have seen them, they were fantastic!... just like Thunderbolt." said Lucky, as he and the other puppies look at both Patch and Tommy with awe. Thunderbolt: "You know kids, they're right, me?, I'm just an actor... but you are really one of a kind." that was when the photographers came to the scene and asked everyone to be in the picture. It didn't take long before the news about how Thunderbolt, Patch and Tommy saved the 101 dalmatians came all over the place. Lars was finally able to have people love his art, including the one that the Demon trio got splat into. As for Thunderbolt's show, with Little Lightning arrested, Patch became Thunderbolt's new sidekick, and the rest of the puppies get to guest star in it, as they chase Dirty Dawson into the sunset. Tommy managed to get his own show too, as a little talking fox who goes into silly situations to win Gidget's heart, who along with the hyena twins also got to star in it. As for Tibbs, the Coronal and Captain, they were now training the puppies to be like little soldiers to protect the farm from any villains that might show up in the future. Roger's newest song, 'Seeing Spots' became a big hit, and many fans asked for more, much to his delight. Nanny was out of the well and was happy for both Patch and Tommy, as they were giving joy to children everywhere from their shows. The scene then changes to show the whole cast of both the first and second story, before Boney 10 comes in front. Boney 10: "Well that's the end of this story here, we hoped you loved it." Tommy: "Have a wonderful day folks!" All: "Bye!" said everyone, before the scene changes to a blue screen came and a castle came in a flash, showing the words 'Walt Disney Pictures' below before the screen turns black.


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