Junior deputy test

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Back at the park, Thunderbolt told Patch about a certain junior deputy test. Patch: "Junior deputy test?, which episode was that in?" Thunderbolt: "Uh... one of the lost episodes." Tommy: "That makes sense I guess, some shows do tend to have those." Cadpig: "So it's real?" Thunderbolt: "Kind of, but I only give it to pups who I feel might be worthy!, and who knows, if you kids do well enough, I'll let you be on the show with me." Patch: "Really?!" Thunderbolt: "Sure, I'm a star, aren't I?" Tommy: "Hey look over there." said Tommy, as a horse-drawn carriage passes by. Thunderbolt: "Mother of pasteurized milk! That stagecoach is out of control!, this is your first test boy." Patch: "Oh... well, this is just like in episode 37, 'Stagecoaches of Serpent Summit', I believe." Thunderbolt: "Very good! Now, Episode 37, was that the one where I leap, run, and pounce?" Patch: "No no, the order in that episode is run, pounce, and 'then' leap." Thunderbolt: "Ah, precisely!, stand back!" said Thunderbolt, before he runs alongside the carriage before jumping onto a wall and running along it. He then jumps onto the horse's back, causing the horse to freak out and picked up high speed. Thunderbolt: "It's okay!, I'll get the break!" The carriage abruptly stops. A pair of newlyweds riding in the carriage are bumped inside it, while Thunderbolt let out a heroic bark, but noticed that there were no photographers once again. Thunderbolt: "Huh... still no photographers... how odd..." he said to himself, as Tommy tells the group that now might be a good time to go. Meanwhile at Cherry Tree farm, Gidget continues her search for Tommy, Patch and Cadpig, but still didn't find any trace of them. At the warehouse, Lars continues to try his best on making the perfect painting for Cruella, but failed again and again. Back in London, Thunderbolt and the pups and fox continue to do some heroic deeds, like saving a man who was in the sewers (though he wasn't in real danger), or stopping a crook (who wasn't really) from taking cloths from a laundromat. Patch: "Odd... this doesn't look like money." Tommy: "These are cloths." Cadpig: "Why would a crook steal cloths?" Thunderbolt: "Beats me, I'm more puzzled about why there are still no photographers?" Tommy: "Maybe this wasn't heroic enough, who knows..." said Tommy, before he and the others left, leaving the man very confused on if his ears were playing tricks with him as he heard Tommy talk. Back at the farm, the other puppies could see that Gidget was getting more and more worried by the minute, and decided to help her with the search. Back in London, Patch, Tommy, Cadpig, and Thunderbolt see royal guards. Patch: "Those men are frozen with fear!" Thunderbolt: "No wonder, those crazed badgers are trying to eat their heads!" said Thunderbolt, looking at the royal guards' hats. Patch: "This is just like in episode 27, where you pounced those two grizzlies." said Patch, before Thunderbolt pounces the guards' hats. The guard's eyes widen in shock as Thunderbolt tries to tackle the hats. Tommy: "Uh... I don't think those are badgers..." Cadpig: "Yeah... me too." later, they walked by a zoo, where they see some zookeepers wish some monkeys. Thunderbolt: "Looks like we found some cattle rustlers. Patch: "But aren't those monkeys?" Thunderbolt: "Even worse!, monkey rustlers!" Patch: "Sounds like episode 34 to me." Thunderbolt: "Correct once again... junior deputy." Patch: "You mean I passed the test?!" Thunderbolt: "You think that you can handle it?" Patch: "You bet, let's get those monkeys rescued!" Tommy: "Um... I don't know if..." but before Tommy could finish, the dogs have already let the monkeys out, leaving the zookeepers to chase after them. Thunderbolt let out his heroic bark while Patch once again lets out a squeak of a bark. By evening, Thunderbolt's riding a dinner cart out of a fancy restaurant. The 3 dogs, and fox, end up by some trees in the park. Patch removes the tin from over him. Thunderbolt: "Wow... what a rush..." Patch: "Yes!, this is the best day ever!" said Patch, before starts eating a sausage. Thunderbolt: "I never thought it would be this exciting doing real hero stuff." Tommy: "Huh?, real hero stuff?" Cadpig: "What do you mean?" Patch: "Yeah, don't you do this all the time?" this made Thunderbolt to eat his own sausage nervously. Thunderbolt: "Well, uh.... You know, I... [he looks at the kids' innocent faces and decides to roll with it] of course I do, I this all the time, but, I never got to do it with a junior deputy or 3 before, now, let's talk about you, kids." asked Thunderbolt, as he and the kids continue to walk.

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