Off to the farm

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When morning came, everyone went to the moving van, and Pongo was once again having a little trouble keeping track on all the puppies. Pongo: "98... 99... 100, and 101, and you're 101, and you... wait, how 101's are there?" Perdita: "You missed count again?" Pongo: "Looks like it, but I'm sure we have everyone." Jokey: "Cherry Tree farm, here we come!" Jokeo: "Yeah!" and so the moving van drove away from their old home, unaware that there was still someone still inside... three to be exact. Turns out that Patch, Cadpig and Tommy were still inside sleeping. By the time they woke up, they noticed that everyone was gone. Tommy: "Hey... where is everybody?" Cadpig: "Wow... they must have learned how to use magic from Gidget... I mean she is magic in a way." Patch: "I doubt it... Lucky?, Rolly?, Penny?, mom?, dad?, where are you?!" Tommy then noticed that there was a moving van with the dalmatians inside, and then gasped in shock and horror to realized what happened. Tommy: "Oh no!, we got left behind!" Cadpig: "They left us?!" Patch: "That figures..." Tommy: "What do you mean?" Patch: "Last night... I asked dad a question if I was special or just one of 101... and he said I was the second..." Cadpig: "What?!... that can't be..." Tommy: "I don't know... I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding." that was when they heard music from a Kanine krunchies truck, and Patch got an idea in his head. Patch: "There might be a bright side to this..." Cadpig: "Really?, how?" Patch: "This could be my chance to get into the auditions and guest star with Thunderbolt!" Cadpig: "Without me...?" asked Cadpig with sad looking eyes. Patch: "No sis, I wouldn't go anywhere without you." Cadpig: "Really?!" Patch: "Sure, besides as your big brother I have to watch over you." Tommy: "Well I'm coming with you, as I'm your brother in a way too." Patch: "Sure, but I don't know if they'll want a fox..." Tommy: "Only one way to find out I guess." so with that, they got out of the house and hitched a ride on the Kanine Krunchies truck and off to see if they could meet their idol, Thunderbolt. Meanwhile, the Radcliffe couple and the dalmatians arrived in Cherry Tree farm, and it wasn't long before the puppies got out and already started running around all over the place. Tibbs came over to Lucky, who was very happy to see the cat that saved his life and his family. Lucky: "Tibbs!, I'm so happy to see you!" Tibbs: "It's good to see you too Lucky, but what brings you here?" that was when the hyena twins came to the scene. Jokeo: "They needed a bigger place to live due to their family being much bigger now, and since we needed a way back here, we thought of asking them to come live with us." Jokey: "Yeah, what my bro said." Tibbs: "I see, well welcome back." Coronal: "Well then, since you'll be living here, then it's a good idea to make fine soldiers out of you all." Captain: "But they're puppies." Coronal: "Yes, so?" Tibbs: "I'm not sure they're meant for battles." Lucky: "What about you guys?, have you actually went into human battles?" Coronal: "Well uh, no, not exactly." that was when Gidget came over to them. Gidget: "Hey guys?, have any of you seen Tommy?, I can't find him anywhere." Tibbs: "Tommy?, you mean the fox boy?" Gidget: "Yes, as a matter of fact, I haven't seen Patch or Cadpig either." Tibbs: "Maybe they're somewhere else in the farm." Gidget: "I hope so... cause I got a feeling that something's wrong... very wrong..." meanwhile inside the main house, Roger was moving his piano inside. Roger: "With some new paint work, and some fixing here and there, it'll be as good as new... now where should the music room be..." asked Roger, before the floor under the piano gave out, and the piano fell down into a hidden room below. Roger, Anita, Nanny, and the Dalmatian parents looked down to see that the piano was somehow still okay. Anita: "I think we just found it dear..." said Anita, while Nanny goes off to find a ladder for the new music room.

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