Thunderbolt is here

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Back in London, Tommy was keeping an eye on both Patch and Cadpig, as they finally arrive in Regents park, where the auditions were being held. It was also the place where they'll get to meet Thunderbolt in person, and they were very excited. It wasn't long before the Producer of the show (voiced by Michael Lerner), came to the stage with a microphone in his hand. Producer: "Ladies & gentleman!, boys & girls, pooches and pups of all ages, are you ready?!, cause mighty Thunderbolt is here!" announced the Producer, before Thunderbolt (voiced by Barry Bostwick) comes to the stage, letting out a mighty heroic bark to his fans. Patch: "I don't believe it!, it's really him!" Tommy: "Wow... he sure looks even cooler in person." Cadpig: "And handsome too." Producer: "And let's not forget his trusty little sidekick, Little Lightning!" announced the Producer once again, before Little Lightning (voiced by Jason Alexander) comes over next to Thunderbolt. That was when some girl dog fans, lead by a poodle fan (voiced by Kath Soucie), try calling to Thunderbolt. Poodle fan: "Hello handsome!~, over here you hunk of hound!" Lightning: "Are they talking about me?" Thunderbolt: "Sorry little buddy, but these ladies aren't into sidekicks, they want a big plate of hero." once he said that, the girl dogs screamed in joy, trying to get to him, before security took them away. Tommy: "Wow... he sure can make girls act crazy, right Cadpig?... uh Cadpig?" asked Tommy, before he noticed that Cadpig had hearts for eyes and Patch was trying to keep her in place. Patch: "Sis!, snap out of it!" Cadpig: "Sorry... I guess I'm getting to that stage when a dog wants to um... get a mate or something." Tommy: "But isn't he a little old for you?" Cadpig: "Yeah... you might be right on that..." Producer: "Now line up the pooches to show Thunderbolt if they have what it takes to have a heroic bark!" once the Producer said that, Thunderbolt gets to stand next to a dog that each get to let out their own bark. Like one that let out a long howl, or a chihuahua yipping up a storm, or a large dog named Tiny letting out a ground shaking bark. Patch was practicing his own barking, when a human picked up the little guy and pushed him next to Thunderbolt. The little pup gasped in shock to see that he was right in front of his idol, and was really nervous to see a lot of people watching him. Thunderbolt: "Well... go ahead kid, we don't have all day." with no other choice, Patch let out his squeaky bark, which made everyone except for Tommy and Cadpig, to laugh at the poor pup. Thunderbolt: "Hey who sat on a squeaky toy?" hearing that made Patch feel even more down, before some photographers came a took a picture of Thunderbolt and Patch for the Newspaper. It wasn't long before the auditions were over, and everyone left the scene, except for Patch, Cadpig, and Tommy, who were feeling down as their chance was blown away. Patch: "Just brilliant... I not only failed to make a good bark... but I also made myself a fool in front of Thunderbolt..." Tommy: "I'm really sorry Patch..." Cadpig: "At least you still got us..." Patch: "Yeah... thanks." meanwhile, Thunderbolt went to his trailer, looking at some of the toys that were from his show, when Little Lightning came over to him. Little Lightning: "Thunderbolt!, it's terrible!, I just heard of what they're planning for the next episode!" Thunderbolt: "Now little buddy, I know that we don't exactly have the best writers in the business, but I can always improvise, as long as it's been written for me." Little Lightning: "No you don't understand, something terrible is gonna happen." Thunderbolt: "Wait don't tell me, the dam breaks." Little Lightning: "No." Thunderbolt: "The mine falls down." Little Lightning: "No." Thunderbolt: "Do I get an evil twin?, I always wanted an evil twin!" Little Lightning: "No!, the thing is... you'll die!" Thunderbolt: "What...?, I die?, wow I always wanted to make a heroic death scene, so how do I make my shocking and unexpected return?" Little Lightning: "You don't." Thunderbolt: "What do you mean I don't?" Little Lightning: "You don't make a shocking and unexpected return, you die, you're dead, you'll never come back, not even a cameo in the remake." Thunderbolt gasped in horror as he finally realized what it means. Thunderbolt: "They're writing me out of the show!" Little Lightning: "They're gonna replace you with a younger dog." Thunderbolt: "So that's what those auditions were all about... what will I do?!, I can't survive in the streets!, and not to mention tics!, they suck all the blood out of you~!" said Thunderbolt as he had his face real close to little Lightning's, before going back at looking out the window. Little Lighting: "What if you went out and do something heroic, but in the real world, showing them that you still got it?" Thunderbolt: "Yeah... I can do that... but I would need to get passed my fan club first..." said Thunderbolt, as he begins his plan on get passed his fans in order to do something heroic in the real world.

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