The Devil Woman

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Some time after the wedding, the new couple moved to a little house, and it seems that Perdita is expecting to have puppies in a few weeks. Perdita: "Ah..." Pongo: "Perdita?, are you alright?" Perdita: "Oh of course dear, after all, dogs had puppies long before our time." that was when Tommy came over to the dalmatians. Tommy: "Hey, is it time yet?" Perdita: "No sweetheart, it'll be at least another few weeks." Tommy: "Okay." that was when a maid came to the room, it was Nanny (voiced by Martha Wentworth), and she was a wonderful housekeeper, who used to be surprised to hear Tommy talking for obvious reasons, but was used to it by now. Anita: "Roger dear!, tea time!" called out Anita, as Roger was upstairs playing the piano, making a new song in hopes to make some money. It was not long before Roger came down. Anita: "How's the song?" Roger: "Well the melody is in a good process, just gotta think of good lyrics..." it was at that moment when Tommy and the dogs hear the horn of an incoming car. Perdita: "Oh no... it's her... it's that devil woman!" Tommy: "The what woman?" before the fox boy's question could be answered, a red car zoomed to the scene, which scared Perdita so much that she went to hide herself. Roger: "Hey Anita, that must be Cruella, your old school mate... Cruella De Vil... that's it!" said Roger, before he begins to sing a song. Roger: "♪Cruella De Vil♫~, ♪Cruella De Vil♫~, ♪if she doesn't scare you, no evil thing will♫~." Anita: "Oh Roger..." said Anita with annoyance in her voice before Roger continues to sing. Roger: "♪To see her is to take a sudden chill♫~, Cruella~, Cruella~, she's like a spider waiting for the kill♫~." Anita: "Roger, she might hear you." Roger: "♪Look out for Cruella De Vil♫~." sang Roger, as he goes back to his music room and plays the song with his piano. It was not long before Cruella (voiced by Susanne Blakeslee) comes through the door. Cruella: "Anita darling!" Anita: "Oh hello Cruella, how are you?" Cruella: "Fine darling, but where are they?" Anita: "Who?" Cruella: "The puppies, I heard that your dog was gonna have some, so where are the little brutes?" Tommy was already having bad feelings about Cruella, so did Pongo as they hear Roger plays a trumpet with the music of his newest song. Anita: "Oh it'll be at least 3 weeks, mustn't rush these things." Cruella: "Yes of course, so what's with the fox?, Dalmatians aren't enough for you?" Anita: "Oh you mean Tommy?, well he's uh... special." Cruella: "Oh really, well I can see why, he has a very lovely fur coat." Tommy: "Um... thanks I guess." the devil woman jumped back a bit, surprised to hear what Tommy just said. Cruella: "Did he just..." Anita: "As I said before, Tommy's a bit special." Cruella: "Yes I can see or hear in this case, but I'm more interested in that lovely fur coat of his." Anita: "Uh that reminds me... isn't that a new coat you're wearing?" Cruella: "Of course, my only true love, I live for furs, I worship furs, after all, is there a woman in this wretched world who doesn't?" Anita: "Well I like a nice fur, but there are so many other things in life to enjoy." Cruella: "Oh simple Anita, I know, this little house is like a castle to you, ha, ha, ha!, and of course you have those furry friends of yours." Anita: "Um, won't you like some tea?" Cruella: "No thanks, I gotta go, you'll let me know when those puppies, alright?" Anita: "Yes, of course." Cruella: "Now don't forget your promise, see you in 3 weeks, ta ta darling." said Cruella, before she leaves the house, leaving Anita to sit on the couch with a deep sigh. Tommy couldn't help but glare at the devil as she went to her car and left the scene, Pongo did the same thing until Roger finally came downstairs, still singing the song. Roger: "♪At first you think Cruella is the devil♫, ♪but after time has worn away the shock♫, ♪you come to realize you've seen her kind of eyes♫, ♪watching you from underneath a rock!♫" Anita: "You're no help." said Anita, before Roger sings the last lyrics of the song. Roger: "♪This vampire bat, this inhuman beast♫, ♪she ought to be locked up and never released♫, ♪the world was such a wholesome place until... Cruella, Cruella De Vil♫." once the song was over, Roger and Anita kissed, and began to laugh a little. Anita: "Oh Roger, you can be a real idiot sometimes, but I wouldn't have it any other way." as they let the humans have their alone time, Pongo and Tommy came over to Perdita. Pongo: "Perdita?, are you okay?" Perdita: "That witch... that devil woman, she wants our puppies, that's all she's after." Pongo: "Don't worry, they're onto her, nothing's gonna happen to them." Perdita: "But what does she want with them?, she can't possibly love them..." Tommy: "Oh Perdita... it's gonna be okay." said Tommy, while he and Pongo try their best to comfort the concerned soon to be dalmatian mother.

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