Sea of spots

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It was a nice evening in the city of London when the Radcliffe family were packing up their stuff. The reason for that was due to their home being too small for their newly extended dalmatian family, they have to move to Cherry tree farm where the puppies can have space to run around in. everywhere Roger goes, he sees dalmatian puppies popping out of places like boxes, pots and pens. Roger: "I'm sure seeing lots of spots... hey... seeing spots..." said Roger, as he got an idea for a new song while Penny was top of the piano to listen. Roger: "♪Spots, I'm seeing spots, everywhere I'm seeing lots, of those tiny little dots, yes, it's true♫, ♪they're on the beds and the cots, in the pans and the pots, and they've left little spots in the loo!♫." Anita: "Roger, are you playing or packing?" Roger: "I'm... playing and packing dear." Anita: "Well quit fooling around, we're moving first thing in the morning." said Anita, before she begins to sing the song 'Dalmatian plantation' a little bit while packing up. Roger: "♪I see spots on the walls, in the rooms, in the halls, on the floors in the drawers, yes, I do♫, ♪and every morning when I rise, and I open up my eyes, I am taken by surprise, 'cause instead of seeing skies, I see lots of little spots!♫." sang Roger, before Anita begins to sing the dalmatian plantation song. Anita: "♪We'll have a Dalmatian plantation, where our population can roam, in this new location, our whole aggregation, will love our plantation home♫~." Roger and Anita: "♪A Dalmatian plantation home!~♫." all the puppies barked in joy from hearing the song, before they did a dog pile on Pongo, and then Tommy and his friends. Jokeo: "I can't wait to get back to the farm." Jokey: "Yeah, the sooner we go, the sooner we can have room to walk around again." Gidget: "No kidding, you can't make a good turn without bumping into one of the puppies." Tommy: "Speaking of which..." said Tommy, before seeing that Patch was sitting in front of the TV, and Perdita came over to him. Perdita: "Hello Patch, watching the TV are you?" Patch: "Yes, well I got to save my spot after all, it's the best spot there is." Perdita: "But you know that the show doesn't start until after..." Nanny: "Dinner time!" shouted Nanny, which got every puppy's attention. Perdita: "Oh dear..." Patch: "Oh not again..." sighed Patch, before a stamped of puppies stormed through the room and Patch tried to get to the kitchen, but had a hard time getting enough room to get any food. Nanny: "Oh come now Rolly, one bowl at a time." said Nanny, as Rolly got his belly off of a second bowl. Patch tried to get it, but some other puppies got to the food before he could. Patch was sad that he didn't get any food, before Cadpig came over to him with a bowl that still had food in it. Cadpig: "Here Patch, I'd saved some for you." Patch: "Thanks sis, I don't know what I'd do without ya." Cadpig: "It's the least I could do for the world's best big brother." Roger: "Alright, is everybody ready for the show?" said Roger, which got Patch to gasp in shock. Patch: "My spot!" Cadpig: "Hurry!" the two puppies ran back to where the TV was, only to see that all the other puppies were already there. They tried to get to their spot when the show got started. It was once again the time of their favorite show, Thunderbolt, and his trusty sidekick little Lightning. The show starts with a boy getting kidnapped by the villain, Dirty Dawson (voiced by Jim Cummings), and was tied up to a train. That was when Thunderbolt and Little Lightning came to the scene and got on top of the train. While Little Lightning tries to untie the boy, Thunderbolt keeps Dirty Dawson busy. Patch: "Watch out!, Thunderbolt is about to grab the whip!" Lucky: "Patch, you're gonna spoil it again!" Patch: "Oh sorry." as the show continued, Dirty Dawson made Thunderbolt to lose his footing and was now hanging on to the edge of the boxcar. Dirty Dawson: "They say that every dog has his day, but this ain't gonna be yours you flea bitten mutt!, ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" laughed the villain, before another train passed by on the tracks besides the other, and Thunderbolt gave the villain a smirk, much to bad guy's confusion, before jumping on one of the other train's cars and jumped back to the first train's, right behind Dawson. And just like Patch said, The hero dog then grabs the villain's whip with his mouth, before wrapping him up around it, making him unable to move. Thunderbolt then lets go of the whip and the villain hoped backwards and fell down inside of the boxcar, which contained an angry bull. Dirty Dawson: "Uh oh... [in a jump cut, the bull is heard giving the villain a thrashing] this ain't fair!" shouted the villain, before the train leaves the scene and Thunderbolt let out a heroic bark of victory. Patch tries to let out his own heroic bark, but only a squeaky bark came out, which made all the other puppies, minus the other original 15, Tommy and Gidget, to burst out laughing. Cadpig: "Hey don't laugh at Patch!, have you forgotten how sad he felt when those demons laughed at him?!" this made all the other puppies to stop laughing and apologized to Patch, who forgave them as he sees that they didn't try to be mean. Then the show ended with the boy calling Thunderbolt one of a kind, and Patch wished that he could be one of a kind just like his idol. As soon as the show ended, the Kanine Krunchies commercial came on, before Pongo came over to the puppies. Pongo: "Alright, bed time everyone." Lucky: "But dad, [yawn] we're not sleepy yet." Perdita: "Come on children, we need to get ready for tomorrow." Jokey: "That's the day we go to Cherry Tree farm, right?" Jokeo: "That's the plan, remember?" Jokey: "Oh yeah." once everyone was gone, Patch, Cadpig, and Tommy see that TV's announcer just announced to the show's fans that Thunderbolt is currently at London, and there will be a contest on which young pup is lucky enough to have it's own heroic bark to have a chance to be a guest star on the show. Patch was wagging his tail in joy from this news, and raced upstairs to try telling his dad about it. Patch: "Dad!, did you hear the news?!, Thunderbolt's in London!, and if I get to the contest tomorrow, I could guest star next to him!" Pongo: "Sorry Patch, but tomorrow is moving day, where we'll be living in Cherry Tree farm, the same farm where Coronal, Captain & Tibbs be waiting for us." Tommy: "He's right, the chance of us getting both places at the same time is well... very low." Patch: "Oh yeah... nearly forgot about about that." Cadpig: "Sorry Patch... I wish there were a way I could help ya there..." Patch: "It's okay sis..." said Patch, before Nanny picked up the two pups and placed some new tags on their collars. Once Nanny takes the puppies to their room upstairs. Perdita came over to her mate. Pongo: "There's no doubt the farm will be a wonderful place to take care of our puppies." Perdita: "And best of all, we'll be miles away from that evil ugly monster..." said Perdita, as she thinks about the devil woman that nearly destroyed her beloved puppies in the past.

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