The eventful walk at the park

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Somewhere in London, there was a bachelor named Roger Radcliffe (voiced by Ben Wright), and he was a musician of sorts. But of course this story is more focused on his Dalmatian, Pongo (voiced by Rod Taylor), who finds the bachelor life down right doll. It was plain to see that Roger needed a woman, but if it were up to the man, he and Pongo would be bachelors forever. Now he was intelligent as humans go, and handsome in his own way, so Pongo didn't see why his owner didn't deserve an attractive mate. Well at least Pongo was trying his best, of course dogs were not the best judges for human beauty, but he had a rough idea on what to look for. He saw some women with their own dogs, but noun of them would be a good match for either of the duo. Then at least, he sees a young lady with a beautiful female Dalmatian. Pongo couldn't keep his eyes off of the female duo, as he knew that they were without a doubt, the perfect pair for the duo. He sees that they were on their way to Regents park, which he believed to be the perfect meeting place. Of course there was a problem, Roger never stops working until after 5:00 PM, which would be too late. So Pongo used his nose to move the clock's hands to make it look like it's after 5, then lets out some barks to get his owner's attention. Roger looks at the clock, before stretching his arms and looking at his watch. Roger: "After 5 already?... huh... my watch must be running slow today..." said Roger, before Pongo lets out some more barks while looking at the door. Roger: "Alright Pongo, time for a walk." said Roger, before he puts on the leash on Pongo, who rushes through the door, pulling Roger away from the door as they were on their way to Regents park. As soon as they were in the park, Pongo begins his search for the pair he saw earlier, but so far no luck. Roger: "Pongo boy, take it easy, what's the hurry?" asked Roger, as he continues to be pulled by Pongo. At first the Dalmatian was worried that the pair went by the park, then suddenly, he spotted them. But of course Pongo couldn't depend on Roger on getting their attention, so it was all up to him. As soon as Pongo and Roger passed the pair, the female Dalmatian, Perdita (voiced by Cate Bauer), takes a good look at Pongo, who turned his head to see that Perdita forced herself to turned her head around. Suddenly, the group heard someone crying for help, like a child being chased by someone. Turns out that it was Tommy (voiced by Tara Strong), being chased by a pack of wild dogs due to him being a fox now and all that. Tommy: "Help!, somebody help!" this made both Roger and Anita (voiced by Lisa Davis), the female Dalmatian's owner to gasp in surprise as they not only see the fox coming towards them, but for the fact that they somehow hear him speak in human words. Anita: "Did that fox just talked?" Roger: "Yeah... and he's heading right for us!" said Roger, as Tommy ran right into the human pair, causing them to fell into the pond. As for the wild dogs, they were about to attack when a dog catcher came and caught them before they could do anymore harm. Pongo and Perdita went to help their owners get back on their feet, before coming over to the fox boy, who was really scared. Tommy: "P-please... I didn't do anything wrong..." Pongo: "Take it easy, we won't hurt you." Perdita: "He's right, are you okay little one?" Tommy: "Uh... yeah... I think so..." said the little fox boy, before Perdita went to lick his cheek a few times to make him feel better, which seems to be working. That was when Roger and Anita came over to the fox. Roger: "So was it our imagination?, cause there's no way that a fox can talk." Anita: "But I'm sure that I heard this little guy speak in human words..." Tommy: "That's because I did." said Tommy, much to the human pair's surprise as they heard him speaking human. Roger: "Y-you can talk?" Tommy: "Yeah... it happens when you used to be human..." Anita: "Wait... you're a human?" Tommy: "I was... until some demons cast a spell on me... now I'm lost... with no family or home to return to..." the group couldn't help but feel sorry for the little fox, but then Roger got an idea in his head. Roger: "How about you come live with and Pongo?" Tommy: "What?... but I'm not normal..." Roger: "What I see is a child in need of a home, and it would be cruel to do otherwise." Anita: "That's very kind of you." Roger: "Thanks, I'm Roger by the way." Anita: "I'm Anita, nice to meet you." Tommy couldn't believe what was happening... he was getting a home again, and it seems that the Dalmatians like the idea too. As time went by, Roger and Anita began dating for a while, until one day they were ready to get married, and their Dalmatians were outside of the church, deciding to become a couple as well. Tommy couldn't be happier for the pair, as he now had a new family.

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