Time to escape

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Inside the De Vil place, Cruella was walking impatiently as the Demon trio were watching a show called 'What's my crime'. Cruella: "I got no time to argue, it must be done by tonight!" SpaceWarp: "B-b-but they aren't b-big enough." ThunderSmacker: "You could hardly made half a dozen dog skin coats out of them right now." Tibbs heard this through the hole by the door, and he was gasped in shock and horror. Tibbs: "Dog skin coats...?!" Cruella: "Then I'll settle for half a dozen, I can't wait, the police are everywhere, I want the job done tonight!" ScreamClaw: "Then we can finally have their souls?" Cruella: "Yes you can have them, as I get the dalmatian coat I wanted for a long time!" SpaceWarp: "Uh... h-how are we g-gonna do it?" Cruella: "Anyway you want, poison them, drown them, bash them in the head!, I don't care how you kill the little beasts but do it!, and do it now!" ThunderSmacker: "Oh calm down, will ya, can't we finish the show first?" SpaceWarp: "Yeah... this is o-one of our favorite shows." Cruella: "Fine!, but listen good, I'll be back first thing in the morning, and the job better be done by then or... I'll call the police!, do you understand?!" shouted Cruella, before storming off and slamming the door shut, causing a piece of the ceiling to fell on top of the black demon dragon's head. SpaceWarp: "I think s-she means it guys..." ScreamClaw: "Sheesh, that woman is more demon like than we are..." ThunderSmacker: "And that is saying a lot from us." ScreamClaw: "But never mind that, we'll get it done as soon as the show's over." said ScreamClaw, as he and the other two demons continue to watch their show. It was at that moment Tibbs came over to the puppies. Tibbs: "Listen kids, we better get our of here if you want to save your skins." Penny: "But how?" Tibbs: "There's a hole by the door, we'll use it to escape, let's hurry." so with that, Tibbs guides the 99 puppies into the hole while the Demon trio were busy watching their show. Once all the other 98 puppies went through, Rolly was the last one, unfortunately, due to his larger body, he had a hard time getting through the hole, so Tibbs tries pushing him through, just before the show 'What's my crime?' was over. ScreamClaw: "Alright boys, let's get on with it." ThunderSmacker: "Um... do we even know how to skin puppies?" SpaceWarp: "Uh g-guys... we can't do it..." ScreamClaw: "Look I know it's low even for us, but it's part of the deal we made with that woman and..." SpaceWarp: "No I mean... the p-puppies... they're all gone!" this made the other two demons to gasp in shock, seeing that SpaceWarp was right, the puppies were all gone. ThunderSmacker: "But how?!" ScreamClaw: "They must have crawled through this little hole by the door!, come on boys, after them!" so the Demon trio began their search for the puppies, who were trying to hide from the monsters under some bed upstairs. ScreamClaw: "Here puppies... come out, come out, wherever you are~." when ScreamClaw looks under the bed, Tibbs used his claws to scratch the demon nose, before he and the other puppies made a run for it. ScreamClaw: "Ah!, why you little fur ball!" shouted ScreamClaw, before he and the other two demons collided with each other and fell down the stairs. ThunderSmacker: "Hey what's the idea?!" ScreamClaw: "Oh shut up!" Cadpig: "Oh Patch... I'm scared!" Patch: "So am I... but don't worry, we're gonna be fine... I hope..." Tibbs: "Don't worry, we just need to get out of this place." Penny: "I wish dad was here..." Lucky: "Me too..." Rolly: "Me three... and maybe have something to eat too..." meanwhile outside, the Coronal hears some barking not too far away, and sees the Pongo pair at last. Coronal: "Are you the Pongo pair by any chance?" Perdita: "Yes, and what about our puppies?" Coronal: "They in trouble!, we better hurry!" said the Coronal, before the Pongo pair ran off to the building. Back inside, the puppies and Tibbs were now cornered at a wall, and the Demon trio were getting ready to attack with their pitch forks. ScreamClaw: "Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha!, now we got them!" suddenly, Pongo and Perdita burst through the window and attacked the trio in order to keep them away from the puppies. Penny: "Dad!, you're here!" Pongo: "Yes Penny, now run kids!" Perdita: "We'll hold them off while you make a run for it!" Patch: "But we can't leave you!" Pongo: "Don't worry, we'll be fine." Perdita: "Just run kids!" Tibbs: "Come on, do what your parents say!, retreat on the double!" so with that, Tibbs leads the puppies out of the De Vil place while Pongo and Perdita deal with the demons. ScreamClaw then hits Pongo on the head with his pitch fork, and was about to make the finishing blow, when Jokey & Jokeo bite the demon's butt. ScreamClaw: "OW!" Jokeo: "You are not taking away those puppies parents like how you took away ours!" Jokey: "Yeah!, you rotten lizards!" Perdita: "Thank you boys." Jokey: "Oh don't mention it, we got a score to settle with those guys too." Jokeo: "You got that right, bro." Jokey: "Charge!" shouted Jokey, before he and Jokeo rammed the Demon trio right into a wall, causing the ceiling to break and fall down right on top of the trio. Pongo: "Come on dear, let's go." Jokey & Jokeo: "Wait for us!" said the twins, before following the dalmatian pair out of the now destroyed De Vil place. It was not long before the Demon trio came out of the rubble and they were mad. ScreamClaw: "We'll skin every last one of those mongrels, if it's the last we'll do!" shouted ScreamClaw, as he and the other demons ran off to get their demon dog Cerberus.

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