Off to the rescue

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It was a foggy night in the city of London, when there was some barking being heard. The sound woke up Pongo, Perdita and Tommy, who placed their ears at the window to get hear better. That was when Gidget came to the window, and used some sort of psychic power to open it up. Gidget: "Excuse me, but are you Mr and Mrs Pongo by any chance?" Pongo: "Yes, and who are you?" Perdita: "And... how are you... floating?" Gidget: "Oh this?, I was born with psychic powers, they seemed to got a little stronger before I went to Pleasure island." Tommy: "Wait... you went to Pleasure island too?" asked Tommy, who noticed that the pink cat was looking at him, before she gasped in shock and joy. Gidget: "Tommy!, it's you!" said Gidget, before she used her powers to lift Tommy into the air and gave him a big hug, much to his confusion. Tommy: "Uh... have we met?" Gidget: "Tommy, it's me, Gidget D Mew!, your girlfriend!" Pongo and Perdita: "Girlfriend?!" Tommy: "Gidget?!, for real?" Gidget: "Uh huh!, I thought that I would never see you again!" Pongo: "Uh Tommy... aren't you a little young to have a girlfriend?" Tommy: "What do you mean, how old do I have to be in order to have a friend that's a girl?" Pongo: "Well actually... oh never mind." Perdita: "Shouldn't we tell him?" Pongo: "Maybe when he's older..." Tommy: "Hey Gidget, you came her for Pongo and Perdita right?" Gidget: "Oh that's right!, I came to tell you that I know where your puppies are." Pongo: "Really?!" Perdita: "Oh thank goodness!" Tommy: "Where are they?" Gidget: "Well... that's the bad news... they're currently being held at the De Vil place." Perdita: "De Vil?!" Pongo: "The De Vil place?!" Perdita: "Oh Pongo... it was Cruella!" Gidget: "Oh?, someone you know?" Pongo: "Sorry young lady, there's no time to explain, we gotta get our puppies back!" Gidget: "I can help you with that." said Gidget, before she used her powers to teleport the group out of the house, allowing them to ran off to where the puppies are being held. Tommy wrote a little note in the house to let the Radcliffe couple know where they are and promised that they'll be back with the puppies. Perdita: "Oh I hope that we're not too late!" Gidget: "I heard that if we lose our way, contact the barking chain, they'll be standing by." Tommy: "Good to know, we're gonna need all the help we can get..." so with that, the dalmatian parents, the Mew girl and fox boy ran into the countryside, even if it was snowing in not, in hopes to rescue the puppies in time. They see a running river that was no doubt to be cold, but thanks to Gidget's paychic powers, they were able to cross over without much trouble. Unfortunately, Gidget started to feel weaker as she began to sneeze a lot. Gidget: "Oh no... not now..." Pongo: "Are you alright?" Gidget: "Well you see... my powers... tend to get weak... when I sometimes... get a cold... achoo!" Tommy: "We better get you someplace warm and fast." said Tommy, as he carries Gidget on his back, before he and the dalmatians continue their journey. Back at the Cherry tree farm, the Coronal, Tibbs, Captain, and the hyena twins, were waiting for the puppies parents to arrive, but so far no sign. Captain: "Any news?" Coronal: "Not a blasted thing, they're either lost or captured or something." Jokeo: "Well they got Gidget with them, maybe she can use her psychic powers to aid them." Jokey: "But didn't she once told us that her powers will be useless when she gets a cold or something?" Jokeo: "Oh yeah... almost forgot about that." Tibbs: "Hey look, here comes a car." Coronal: "Oh come now Tibbs, they wouldn't be driving." Tibbs: "Yes I know sir, but it's heading for the De Vil place." said Tibbs, as the car of Cruella was heading for the De Vil place, before stopping at the gate. Jokeo: "Hey, it's stopping at the gate." Coronal: "It is?, well blast it all boys, on the double men, on the double!" Tibbs: "Yes sir!" so with that, the Coronal, Tibbs and the hyena twins were returning to the De Vil place to find out what's going on. Of course it was that moment when the Pongo pair, the fox and Mew came to the farm. Captain: "Are you the Pongo pair?" Pongo: "That's right, Gidget here told us that we would be find the Coronal here." Captain: "Well the Coronal just left with Sergeant Tibbs and the Hyena twins to the De Vil place." Tommy: "Hyenas?" Gidget: "He means... Jokey... and Jokeo... achoo!" Tommy: "Jokey & Jokeo?, my best friends?!" Gidget: "Yup... so I guess you could say... the gang's all here... achoo!" Captain: "Are you alight?" Tommy: "Gidget has a cold, she needs someplace warm." Captain: "She can rest here in the hay, that could warm her up." Tommy: "I hope so." Pongo: "Tommy, you should stay here to watch over your friend, Perdita and I will go to the De Vil place." Tommy: "Alright, just make sure you get them all back." Pongo: "That's a promise I attend to keep." so with that, Pongo and Perdita ran off to the De Vil place while Tommy remains on the farm to watching over Gidget with Captain, praying that the puppies will be alright.

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