Paintings of spots

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The scene opens with Cruella trying to get inside a fur coat shop, but was kicked out due to being banned from all things that involves fur as punishment for her crimes of kidnapping the dalmatians. Her car was in still in bad shape and could barely run as no one would be willing to fix up the car belonging to the woman who tried to kill puppies. Cruella: "Could things possibly be any worse?" said Cruella, before turning the key, starting up the car's radio, which began to play the song about the devil woman. She got angry and annoyed from hearing it and starts kicking the radio and telling it to shut up, before the radio breaks and finally stopped. Cruella then drives away, but not very far as the car fell down into a million pieces, with only 4 wheels and the steering wheel remaining. The devil woman was upset by this, and was forced to leave the remains behind while walking down the path. Cruella: "What does Cruella De Vil have left to live for?..." she said to herself, before looks at a winder of some small art museum house, before stopping her own tracks as something caught her eye. She went inside and takes a closer look at what looked like a white canvas with a single black spot on the center, hanging on a wall. That was when a man with purple glasses came over to Cruella, seeing that she was amazed by the sight of his art work. His name was Lars (voiced by Martin Short), and he was the artist that made the art Cruella was looking at. Lars: "Tell me... what do you see?" Cruella: "Everything... darkness and light, form and content, chaos and order, joy and pain." Lars: "And what else?" Cruella: "The chance of victory, the certainty of defeat, the culmination of all I ever wished for but could not grasp!, oh I see everything... I nearly faint by this... where is the artist?, I simply must meet him." Lars: "But... you already have, I am Lars, and I'm an undiscovered genius." Cruella: "My name is Cruella De Vil, and I happen to be an over-financed heiress." Lars: "Your passion for my work both repels... and attracts... could you bare the agony of seeing more?" Cruella: "You mean there's more?" asked Cruella, before Lars guides her to a room full of canvases with spots. Cruella: "[Gasp] Spots!... spots!, spots!, spots!, ah, ha, ha, ha!" Lars: "I've yet to find someone who understands their simple but lovely meaning... that is until I've met you." Cruella: "This could be it... this could be the cure for my craving, my analyst did say I needed something as a substitute for my addiction, ah, ha!, who needs furs when I can heal my tortured soul with art?!" Lars: "Something is torturing you?, what could dares cast a shadow on a flower?" Cruella: "Oh it's a sad familiar tale of loss, disappointment, probation, and restraining orders, but, you can help me to forget all about that, will you do a painting just for me... to ease my pain?" Lars: "I will create a masterpiece, if you will be my... muse." Cruella: "Oh darling~, ah, ha, ha, ha." said Cruella, as she believes that things were finally looking up for her.

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