(Christmas Gift) - Naegi X Kirigiri

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[A/N] All of my stories will be written in a Non-Despair time. Most of my stories do include Junko and Mukuro, but they won't be their normal despair-crazed selves. If it's a Despair setting I will let you know otherwise. Please Enjoy!

Naegi POV


It was my favorite time of the year, Christmas time. Out of all the Holidays, Christmas was by far my favorite, and this year made it extra special. This was the first Christmas I've had with my girlfriend, Kyoko Kirigiri, and I was destined to make it a memorable event for her. I was sitting at lunch with my friends Maizono, Leon, Sakura, Aoi, and Fujisaki.

"So, what is everybody's plans for Christmas?" Maizono looked around at all of us with a big smile on her face, "If you don't have any plans why don't we all go take a trip somewhere together? It would be fun!" Leon, being Maizono's boyfriend was in full agreement, and so were all the others. It would be fun to take a trip somewhere new for once.

"Sorry guys, I'm kind of busy this year." Maizono pouted and started complaining about how I had just ruined her perfect plans.

"Oh! I get it! You're going to do something special with Kyoko this Christmas right!" Aoi smiled while munching viciously on a donut. Sakura put her hand on Aoi's shoulder.

"Aoi, of course he's going to do something with Kyoko, but do not pry him." Everybody smiled and I could feel my face getting hotter. Maizono had a pervy look on her face.

"So then Makoto," Maizono said, "What are you gonna do? Did you get her anything?" I knew what she was thinking, she always has her head in the clouds when it comes to my relationship with Kyoko.

"Maizono, whatever you're thinking won't happen. I have no idea what to do or to get her." Maizono jumped over to me and basically sat on me.

"Don't worry i'll help you pick out the perfect gift for her! I'm an expert when it comes to shopping!"


Kirigiri POV

I looked out the window and saw Naegi talking with his usual group of friends. I smiled as I looked down under my desk to where I had Naegi's gift for Christmas. I wonder what he had got me. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and when I looked around, and there was Celestia.

"Hello Kyoko. How are you?"


"Are you doing anything special for Christmas? Did you get something for Naegi yet?"

"I'm not sure what i'm doing for Christmas, but I did get something for Naegi." I smiled. I put a lot of though into the gift I got for him, so I hope he likes it.

"Well. We should be going, after all schools over and it's winter break. I'll hopefully see you sometime soon. Goodbye then Kyoko." Celestia walked of, her pumps clicking as she walked away.

I didn't know what I was going to do with Makoto, after all he's forgetful, but I bet no matter what this is going to be a fun Christmas.

__--Extra End--__

"Makoto, what the hell is this?"

"Well what do you think it is?"

"Maizono helped you pick this out, didn't she?"

"N-no! Well, yeah.."

"That figures..."

Why would she think I would ever want to wear a naked apron around Naegi?

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