lovely || kyouko kirigiri x reader

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kyouko is a precious sweet heart honestly


Silently, you brushed a strand of her long lilac hair behind her ear, taking in the shape of her face.

She was perfection to you

Every glance in your direction would spin you crazy, it was like being looked at by a god.

A goddess of beauty and grace

Any small whisper to you would make you crave more and more, she was your own personal god.

You wanted more

So as you hovered over her, carefully memorizing every single breath, you fell deeper in love with her.

For she was lovely

No matter where you were, she was lovely to you.

Complete perfection in the purest form.

Someone who deserves everything

You promised your self that no matter what, you would never question a thing she said.

You'll lay down you life for her

As the day came that she was going to say those three words, something changed.

You'll take away her pain

Her words didn't, they stayed he same through the the change.

A beautiful melody

So when she said those words, it made it seem so much more unbelievable, this life you had made with her.

You could write with her name

"I despise you"


A quick note so you don't get too confused:

A friend of mine wrote the lyrics for the song we wrote together in italics.

The overall theme was about loving someone who was dying and/or slipping out of your reach.

In the end you lose them due to circumstances, and you waste your life trying to figure out what you've done wrong.

It's honestly a super pretty song that (I don't want to brag buT) I wrote the music for.


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