(Colors) - Nagito x Reader - Soulmates AU

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Okay! Short disclaimer. This is dedicated to a request from a close friend EnoeeX, and to be honest, I hope you enjoy it you little shit~

~If you want to, you could listen to this while reading this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0s77yLAG8a8 ( This has legit nothing about the story at all in it, I was just listening to this while I was writing this, so ya know enjoy. #MelanieMartinezIsQueen)


If you aren't a morning person, then you would prefer to sleep in, right? Well, that's exactly what I do every weekend, sleep until I have to get up. Now, if you stayed up late the night before and get woken up by your cellphone ringing, you wouldn't be so happy. 

I screamed as I pulled myself out from under the covers to find my obnoxiously loud cellphone that had woken me up from my slumber. Finally finding it on my dresser, I quickly picked it up and answered.

"Who in the hell do you think you are?! Are you aware of what time it is? I'm not a morning person goddammit!" I could hear the quiet snickering of my best friend Hiyoko Sainoji. As to why I was friends with her, even I couldn't give you a reason, we just kinda became friends without even knowing it.

"Yeah, I know you're not a morning person, but Sonia and I want to go to the park. She say's it's really pretty to look at so she thought she would drag us along." I hesitated for a moment.

"Is it really that pretty?"

"Huh, what are you talking about? Why are you asking me this, it's just some stupid colors. It's not like I care how the world looks." I sighed. Hiyoko was hopeless.

"But don't you want to see it? I can't believe it doesn't interest you. I mean honestly it's like killing two birds with one stone. You get to see the colors, and you get to meet your soulmate! There's no way you don't want that." She stopped talking to me for a moment, and a spark of hope flickered inside me, thinking I may have finally gotten her to see why meeting your soulmate was so great.

"Alright alright. Just get down to the park closest to my house by 10." She hung up and I set my phone down. I looked over to the clock and saw that it was 9:30, which really didn't leave me which much time to get ready at all. 

~(Time skip brought to you by Nutella. Seriously, that's some good shit.)~

I was walking down the sidewalk and staring at my phone, checking up on everything that was going on, via social media. It wasn't a very smart thing to do, walk while you weren't paying attention to your surroundings, but in all honesty the surrounding didn't catch my eye at all. It was all the same black and white that I had been used to my whole life, and to be honest, It was getting pretty boring.

I shoved my phone in my pocket and looked straight ahead of me, the entrance to the park was on my left.

It was one of those things that people associated the park with, color, which wasn't that much of a surprise. Parks were extremely well known by people that could see color, as a paradise of endless colors, which would often become annoying, considering how many times it was brought up every time I was here.

"Oh my darling look at those birds! Aren't they're wings just so vivid?" I scoffed and looked at the young lady who happened to mention those birds. She looked so happy next to her soulmate, I mean after all, who else could make her that happy?

I turned my head, but unfortunately wasn't able to stop myself from walking right into someone. Fuck.

"Oh my, are you alright? I wasn't looking where I was going and completely walked into you." A guy's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Oh no no that's completely my fault. I'm not much of a morning person so I guess I wasn't paying attention." I looked up at the male who was taller than me by about a good three inches. (If you're taller then oh well now you're short.)

We locked eyes immediately, and the first thing I noticed was that he had such pretty eyes. I didn't know what color they were because I've never seen color before in my entire life, but--

"You're eye's are really pretty you know that? I'm not sure what color they are, but I defiantly like it. " He gave me a genuine smile before realizing what he just said. Our eye's widened and to be honest I spun around taking in the view of the park. Everything really was vivid, just like that lady had said.

I felt someone's hand's on my shoulders, and I was spun around to come face to face with the guy I had just run into, or should I say my soulmate?

"My name is Nagito Komaeda, It's nice to meet you Soulmate." An instant blush completely covered my face.

"I-I'm (Y/N). It's nice to meet you too S-soulmate." He gave of a giant smile and took my hand.

"Well then (Y/N), you wouldn't mind if we spend some time together do you?" I could see Sonia and Hiyoko right behind me. Hiyoko looked amused but waved goodbye, as Sonia pulled her away with a giant smile on her face.

"No, I wouldn't mind at all."


HOLY FUCK I LOVE THE SOULMATE AU. Thanks baby dearest Emmi for recommending this, I had tons of fun writing this. I'm still taking request's btw~♥

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