(Not Special) - Celestia X Reader

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A request for a friend.




No matter what you did, you sucked at it.

That's why when your close friend Celestia was given a letter to be a student at Hope's Peak as the Ultimate Gambler, you were more upset than excited for her.

"Do you understand what this is going to do to me?! I can't do a single thing and now I have to watch you go and become so successful with my life without even thinking of me?!"

You were pretty upset about it.

Well, pretty upset was a bit of an understatement.

Why you may ask?

Because so far your life is turning out to go exactly how your mother said it would, a complete waste.

"(Y/N), calm down. You're getting way to worked up about nothing."

You screamed and picked up a pillow of the couch, hurling it at her face.

"SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP! You're a complete fucking bitch who doesn't care about human emotions. I HATE YOU DAMMIT!"

You grabbed the door to your shared apartment and walked straight out the door.

"(Y/N)! Please come back!"

Her shouts fell on deaf ears, as you started running as far as you possibly could away from her.

(Time skip that got clawed up by Celestia's cat. Fancy little fucker)

You sat on the floor in Sayaka's room.

Sayaka was one of your close friends, and she was one of the only people you thought you could go to after making such a big deal about nothing.

"Hey (Y/N), don't worry. It won't be that bad, and I mean I'm going to Hope's Peak too, so I can watch out for her?"

Oh yeah, Sayaka also got into Hope's Peak.

You didn't make such a big deal about it, but you were still pretty upset.

"I know it's just that I feel like I fucked up somehow. No offense Sayaka but I feel a little bit more upset that Celes is going instead of you."

Satan's had some bs look on her face *insert penny face*, and I didn't really want to know what she was thinking. Sayaka auto corrected to satan so I just left it because I really don't like her.

"Soooo~ (Y/N)..."

"Sayaka fuck off I'm going to go cry in your bathroom now."

She gave you a smile and pulled you up by the arm.

"Were going somewhere now."

And without being able to shout out in protest, you had been yanked out of the house.

(Time skip back to your home.)

If you had to put all of your friends on a list of people you trusted, to people you don't, Sayaka wouldn't even qualify to be in the list.

"You little fuck. Sayaka I trusted you and you know what, your officially a Chicken Strip Bitch now. I hope your happy." Shout out to fam who knows this inside joke

She gave an extremely dramatic gasp and put her hand to her forehead in shock.

"Fuck you Sayaka. Makoto doesn't like you."

She grabbed your truth telling ass by the hair and pulled you to the front door of your home.

She punched your doorbell, probably breaking it with pure anger, and waited for the door to open.

As soon as it did, you got thrown into Celestia, as Sayaka said in a low whisper voice,

"I hope you both burn to death. Your a real bitch (Y/N), backstabbing me like that."

She then stormed off leaving you two to your own devices.

Celestia let out a small laugh and pulled you up so you were standing straight.

"(Y/N), I'm so sorry. Could you forgive me?"

You snorted. Don't to that it sounds nasty

"I should be the one apologizing! You have a talent Celes, and everyone's aware of it. You'll do great in life and I want to make sure you will. So get your shit packed for Hope's Peak because your fucking going."

Celestia clamped a hand over your mouth.

"Watch your language (Y/N), and thank you."

"You're welcome Taro~."

"Remind me again why such a little shit like you is my girlfriend?"

You grinned like a fucking idiot.

"Because I can make milk tea just how you like it."




I have major tests coming up, so I may be going on a break for a bit.

I'll apologize in advance.


I may not be back till March cause of this project and those tests, but any requests during that time I will do.

Yes, even an actual Teruteru x reader lemon.




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