[Thug] - Fuyuhiko x Bitchy!Reader

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So ya know, once in my life I want to be able to write a story, where the character has the same personality as me.

Now this exists.


"For fucks sake! Would you just help me out here?!"

A smirk appeared on your face, as you pulled your hand out from behind your head.

You had just finished with class for the day and had decided to take a bit of a nap on the window sill.

You had music theory homework which you had received during class, and also finished in class, but it seemed that a certain gangster was having trouble with the sheet.

"Huh? You need my help? Really? But, I thought you were smart enough to do it on your own, guess I was wrong. Thug."

Fuyuhiko looked like he was straight up going to strangle you.

"I thought composers weren't complete bitches, guess I was wrong."

Your smirk got bigger.

If that was one thing you loved about Fuyuhiko, was that he could match your pace, something others failed to do.

"Ya know, just because I have an actual talent doesn't mean you can be so mean to me. I get that you're jealous, but you don't have to be that salty about it."

Fuyuhiko shook his head and turned his back to you.


"Ah, the classic teenager line."

He flipped you off as he walked out of the classroom, leaving you to return to your nap.

Unfortunately, you weren't up to sleeping anymore, so you waited a couple minutes before leaving.


As you walked past the very last classroom, you could hear some teachers talking.

"Well, you're right, but she is very bright."

"Of course, but her personality doesn't match her ability."

"So what? You're going to base someone off of that?"

"Well, yeah. She's a bitch, and she needs to know her place."

"You! I-If she heard you say that she'd probably make your life hell."

The conversation had struck some interest in you, mostly making you wonder who they were talking about.

To be quite honest you had already suspected that they were talking about you.

You'd heard people say these things to you all the time, but hey, you didn't give a shit.

"What are you doing out here?"

You heard someone's voice behind you, and to your dismay, it was none other than Peko and Fuyuhiko.

You glared at them.

"Is that any of your fucking concern?"

Fuyuhiko tch'ed and walked past you.

"No, I don't give a shit about what you're doing or what happens to you, go get hit by a car for all I care. Hurry up Peko."

You could only giggle, as you pulled out your phone.

"I'll look up the closest highway then."

Fuyuhiko looked back at you to see you on your phone.

He let out a sigh and walked out the door with Peko.

You put your phone back in your pocket and smirked.

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