[What Are You Thinking?] - Togami x Reader

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"Nee~ Byakuya-kunn~!"

You giggled and moaned your sentence into the heir's ear, causing him to send daggers in your direction.

"Can't you annoy someone else? You're wasting my precious time."

"But only you give me such interesting reactions. I only want to spend my time with youu~"

The male pointed to the classroom door, indicating that you should leave by walking out of it, and hopefully walking out of his life.

You could only let out a depressed sigh as you sucked in your breath, and to his dismay, left the empty classroom.

Usually, you wouldn't stand to do what he said, but you knew that he really didn't want you to leave.

You could almost say he enjoyed your company.

But, there's no way someone such as yourself could know that he was thinking, right?

Nope, that's where you're wrong bitch!

You were (F/N) (L/N), the Shsl Psychic, and unlike Hagakure, you were good.

You were also a tiny bit of a sadistic bitch, and because of that Celes suggested that you use your ability on Byakuya.

You complied immediately and was a little taken aback by what was going on in his mind.

Smiling, you concentrated on what he was thinking.

"To think someone such as me would be interested in someone like her."

After hearing those words bounce around in your head, you couldn't help but blush like an idiot.

You loved him and had vowed you would do anything to make him yours.

Not in the Yandere way, of course.

You just admired him so much he became your own personal savior, and damn was your savior good looking.

You started walking the empty hall of Hope's Peak, a smile never leaving your face.

"(Y/N)! It's an emergency!"

You turned around, wondering who could possibly be needing you now.

Junko came running towards you, colliding with you and knocking you down to the ground.

"Ah! Sooooo sorry (Y/N)," Junko leant down to your ear "Not really."

You could only smirk, as you pushed Junko off of you.

It had become a reoccuring theme between the two of you.

Pushing each other in public, acting like idiots, only to insult each other.

"Ah! Junko you need to be more careful! I could have been seriously injured."

You got of the ground and pulled Junko up to her feet.

"Sorry darling, It was an emergency and I just needed to get to you as fast as possible."

You tilted your head and clasped your hands together.

"What is it love?"

Junko leaned in close to you and smirked.

"How have things been with Togami?"

You sighed and rolled your eyes.

"Alright, it's just that I'm a little bored with him. He doesn't really seem like expressing his emotions."

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