(Wounds) - Fuyuhiko x Reader

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You stood with your eyes closed shut at the front door of Fuyuhiko's home, your shoulder bleeding due to the amount of wounds you had received.

You wanted nothing more than to get this patched up so that you could return home, back to your lonely apartment.

You rang the door bell, and within seconds of it being rang, Peko opened up the door.

You didn't mind Peko, she was nice a quite kind to you, unless you upset Fuyuhiko of course.

Her eyes glanced at your shoulder before she opened the door wide enough for you to come inside.

"You should really go to a hospital, that looks bad."

You shook your head and smiled.

"My family would freak out if they knew I was injured, they wouldn't let me stay on my own any longer, and I can't imagine going back to them."

Peko gave you a pitiful smile.

She knew what your family was like.

They were rich, but you didn't like the idea of living that way, so the second you had the chance you moved out so you could be on your own.

They still cared about you immensely, and threatened to take you back if they ever found you in some place you shouldn't be.

"Couldn't you ask Mikan? She's a nurse after all. This is the kind of stuff she's good at."

"That wouldn't work out. For legal reasons because of my family's status, she'd have to alert them, so I have to come to you guys. I'm sorry if I'm an inconvenience."

She shook her head and leaded you to Fuyuhiko.

Fuyuhiko had taken on the role of taking care of you whenever you got yourself injured, always demanding he know how you got hurt, and if he needed to beat the shit out of someone.

Peko opened the door to Fuyuhiko's room, checking to see if you could come in.

She threw the door open farther for you, and after you walked in she shut the door, leaving you alone with Fuyuhiko.

Fuyuhiko was looking down at a textbook for class, currently because he was failing, and doing some studying.

"You need something?"

You took a couple steps closer to him before he looked up at you.

"It smells like blood. What the fuck did you do you idiot..."

Fuyuhiko trailed off when he saw your shoulder.

He you in the eye, stood up, and smacked you right in the face.

"You stupid shit. Come on."

He guided you to the bathroom where he grabbed some supplies to bandage your shoulder, and then dragged you back to his room.

"Um Fuyuhiko? What was the point of bringing me to the bathroom with you? I could have just stayed here."

"Sit the FUCK DOWN."

You immediantly dropped to you knees, a pathetic smile upon your face.

"Sorry Fuyu~"

His face went red, and he threw the bandages at your face.

You had found out a couple weeks ago that it you gave Fuyuhiko a nickname, other than babyface, you would get a blushing yakuza.

"Shut up and let me fix you. Fucking moron."

(Time skip)

You couldn't move your arm, Fuyuhiko had made it very clear that you couldn't.

How had he made it clear?

Well, he now had you pinned directly under him, holding your arm carefully.

The two of you had your eyes locked, trying not to blush did to the akward positioning.

A smirk was present on you face, and in your sexiest voice ever,

"Fuyu~ Your on top of me~"

Now, If Teruteru was here, your know exactly what he's say.

But Fuyuhiko wasn't Teruteru, and he was a fucking tomato.

You thought Fuyuhiko was shaking, so you continued with your act.

"Oh? I somthing wrong Fuyu~?"

Fuyuhiko raised his hand and slammed it down on the ground.


He slammed his lips onto yours, getting closer to you.

You reached your hands up and pulled him to you, pressing your chest aginst him.

You could feel the heat radiating off of Fuyuhiko's face.

After a minute or so he pulled away, glaring daggers at you.

You smiled.

"Fuyu. Do you know why I keep getting hurt?"

He furrowed his brows.

"If someone keeps hurting you let me know. I'll kill them."

You smiled, hugging him.

"I get hurt so we can do this."

You thought Fuyuhiko was going to slap you, instead he got extemely close to type face.

"Ask next time. Fucking Moron."


I ran out of ideas at the end. Sorry.

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